Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)
Trochlear Nerve (CN IV)
Ophthalmic Nerve (V1)
Maxillary Nerve (V2)
Carotid artery
Abducent Nerve (CN VI)
2. Mnemonics: Bones of the skull: @ Person Tired Of Studying Fails Everytime.
Parietal (2) , Temporal (2) i.e. Paired
O- Occipital (Unpaired)
S- Sphenoid (Unpaired)
F- Frontal (Unpaired)
E- Ethmoid (Unpaired)
Hence, a total of eight bones excluding the ear ossicles viz. Malleus, incus and stapes on each side make up the brain case / calvaria.
3. Mnemonics : Facial Bones
@ My Zebra Never Liked Inferior People.
M- Maxilla (2)
Z- Zygomatic (2)
N- Nasal (2)
L- Lacrimal (2)
I- Inferior Nasal Concha (2)
P- Palatine (2)
And , two unpaired bones Mandible and Vomer. Thus, a total of 14 bones form the facial skeleton.
4. Mnemonics : SCALP - Five Layers
S- Skin
C- Connective Tissue (Superfacial Fascia)
A- Aponeurosis (Deep fascia)
L- Loose areolar tissue
P- Pericranium
5. Mnemonics : Bell's Palsy Symptoms @ BELL'S Palsy
B- Blink Reflex abnormal
E- Ear ache
L- Lacrimation is deficient
L- Loss of taste in anterior two thirds of tongue
S- Sudden onset
Palsy - of muscles of facial expression
(All symptoms are unilateral)
6. Mnemonics : Cranial Nerves
@ Oh Oh Oh..! To Touch And Feel Virgin Girl's Vagi*a , Ah Heaven !!
O- Olfactor
O- Optic
O- Oculomotor
T- Trochlear
T- Trigeminal
A- Abducens
F- Facial
V- Vestibulocochlear
G- Glossopharyngeal
V- Vagus
A- Accessory ( Spinal Accessory)
H- Hypoglossal
7. Mnemonics : Extrapyramidal Descending Tracts of spinal cord
@ Raman Makes Love On TV
R- Rubrospinal Tract
M- Medial reticulospinal tract
L- Lateral reticulospinal tract
O- Olivospinal tract
T- Tectospinal Tract
V- Vestibulospinal tract
8. Mnemonics: Nucleii of third and fourth cranial nerve
@ 3 superior goods = 4 inferior goods
Nucleus of third cranial nerve ( Oculomotor) lies at the level of superior colliculus. And,
Nucleus of fourth cranial nerve ( Trochlear) lies at the level of inferior colliculus.
* Both the superior and inferior colliculi are parts of the midbrain.
9. Mnemonics : Total paralysis of third cranial nerve i.e. oculomotor results
My- Mydriasis
P- Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid)
E- Exophthalmosis
D- Diplopia (Double vision)
A- Accommodation is lost
L- Lateral Squint