

MCQs on Odontogenic Cysts and Tumors - Oral Pathology

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# All of the following lesions may be classified as odontogenic tumors except :
A. Acanthomatous ameloblastoma
B. Branchial cleft cyst
C. Myxoma
D. Simple ameloblastoma

# Bifid ribs, Multiple radiolucent lesions of the jaws, multiple basal cell nevi and falx cerebri calcification are found in :
A. Basal cell nevus syndrome
B. Sturge weber syndrome
C. Horner syndrome
D. Hereditary internal polyposis

# Ameloblastoma most frequently occurs in:
A. Mandibular molar region
B. Maxillary molar region
C. Mandibular premolar region
D. Maxillary premolar region

# Compound odontoma shows on a radiograph as:
A. Supernumerary teeth
B. Radiolucent and radioopaque areas
C. Masses of calcified areas
D. Distinguishable tooth like structures

# Which of the following is true neoplasm of functional cementoblasts ?
A. Periapical cemental dysplasia
B. Familial cemental dysplasia
C. Benign cementoblastoma
D. Hypercementosis

# Botryoid odontogenic cyst is a variant of:
A. Lateral periodontal cyst
B. Apiccal periodontal cyst
C. Gingival cysts of the newborn
D. Gingival cysts of adult

# Eruption cyst:
A. Transforms into dentigerous cyst
B. Regresses after eruption of the tooth
C. Is found in the place of the missing tooth
D. Is a type of dentigerous teeth

# Leisegang rings are found in:
A. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst
B. Primordial cyst
C. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
D. Odontoma

# Which of the following is an odontogenic tumor ?
A. Arrhenoblastoma
B. Astrocytoma
C. Ameloblastoma
D. Granular cell tumor

# The most common odontogenic tumor which occurs in relation to an unerupted tooth in the anterior maxilla:
A. Odontogenic adenomatoid tumor
B. Odontoma
C. Myxoma
D. Cementifying fibroma

# Which of the following shows the presence of cholesterol crystals ?
A. Keratocyst
B. Periodontal cyst
C. Aneurysmal cyst
D. Hemorrhagic cyst

# Nodular growth of alveolus is seen in :
A. Paget's disease
B. Osteomas
C. Cementifying fibroma
D. All of the above

# Basal layer in primordial cyst is arranged in the form of:
A. Tennis racket
B. Picket fence
C. Linear
D. Irregular
# Which of the following is the most common lesion of the mandible ?
A. Adamantinoma
B. Osteogenic sarcoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Osteoclastoma

# One of them is not a true cyst:
A. Hemorrhagic cyst
B. Medial palatal
C. Globulomaxillary
D. Nasolabial

# Dentigerous cyst is likely to cause which neoplasia ?
A. Ameloblastoma
B. Osteogenic sarcoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Osteoclastoma

# Odontogenic Keratocyst has the following feature:
A. Occurs due to infection periapically
B. is developmental in origin
C. Can be treated by aspiration
D. Has low recurrence rate

# Primordial cyst develops :
A. in place of missing teeth
B. in teeth in which crown development is completed
C. In periapical region
D. In mandibular body

# Robinson's classification of ameloblastoma does not include :
A. Multicentric
B. Non functional
C. Anatomically benign
D. Clinically persistent

# Radiographic finding in Pindborg tumor is :
A. Sun-burst appearance
B. Onion-peel appearance
C. Driven - snow appearance
D. Cherry - blossom appearance

# Unicentric, non functional, anatomically benign, clinically persistent tumor is :
B. Enameloma
C. Odontoma
D. Ameloblastoma
# The most ideal explanation for recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst is:
A. Increased mitotic activity of the epithelial lining
B. Friability of the epithelial lining
C. Presence of satellite cysts or daughter cysts
D. Continued proliferation of rests of dental lamina

# The cyst with highest recurrence rate is :
A. Keratocyst
B. Periapical cyst
C. Nasoalveolar cyst
D. Globulomaxillary cyst

# A multilocular cyst of the jaw is most likely:
A. Dental cyst
B. Dentigerous cyst
C. Keratocyst
D. Simple bone cyst

# Keratocyst has all of the following features except:
A. It is more common in mandible
B. May be filled with thin straw colored fluid
C. Low recurrence rate
D. Expansion of bone clinically seen

# Each of the following cyst is associated with an impacted tooth except :
A. Dentigerous cyst
B. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst
C. Keratocyst
D. Primordial cyst

# Which of the following is wrong about keratocyst?
A. has low recurrence rate
B. has low protein content
C. high recurrence rate
D. B and C

# A 40 year old woman has ameloblastoma, the histomorphologic features will be:
A. Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum
B. Peripheral palisading with central stromal retraction artefact
C. Peripheral palisading cellular strand with peripheral loose stellate reticulum
D. Central loose stellate reticulum shows marked nuclear atypia and numerous mitotic

# Which histopathological type of odontogenic keratocyst is commoner, more invasive and has a greater tendency for recurrence ?
A. Orthokeratinized
B. Parakeratinized
C. Non keratinized
D. Dyskeratinized

# Multiple odontogenic keratocyst are associated with:
A. Gardner's syndrome
B. Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome
C. Goldenhar's Syndrome
D. Grinspan syndrome

# Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is most commonly found in :
A. Anterior mandible
B. Posterior maxilla
C. Anterior maxilla
D. Ramus of the mandible

# Adamantinoma is :
A. A tumour from embryonal cells of developing teeth
B. also known as ameloblastoma
C. is a complication of dentigerous cyst
D. All of these