

MCQs on Tongue - Anatomy MCQs

The correct answers are highlighted in green.

# Protrusion of tongue is brought out by (MAN - 02)
a) Genioglossus
b) Intrinsic muscles of tongue
c) Styloglossus
d) Palatoglossus

# Hypoglossal nerve supplies to all the following muscles EXCEPT (MAN - 99, AP-06)
a) Palatoglossus
b) Genioglossus
c) Hyoglossus
d) Styloglossus

# The lymphatic drainage from the tip of tongue first passes to: (MAR-98)
a) Submental nodes
b) Supra clavicular nodes
c) Sub mandibular nodes
d) Superior deep cervical nodes

# When a patient protrudes his tongue, it deviated to the right. Which of the following nerves is damaged? (MAN-99)
a) Left hypoglossal
b) Glossopharyngeal
c) Right hypoglossal
d) Facial nerve

# Impulses generated in the taste buds of the tongue reach the cerebral cortex vie the: (KAR-97)
a) Thalamus
b) Internal Capsule
c) Cervical spinal nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve 

#  In which of the following papillae of the tongue are the taste buds predominantly located?(AIIMS - 93)
a) Circumvallate
b) Filiform
c) Foliate
d) Fungi form

# Circumvallate papillae are present: (AIPG-2000)
a) Behind sulcus terminalis
b) Front of sulcus terminalis
c) Anterior 2/3 of tongue
d) Lateral border of tongue

# All are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except:(AIIMS - 98)
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Lingual artery
c) Stylohyoid muscle
d) Geniohyoid muscle

# The papillae present on margins of the tongue: (AIPG - 98)
a) Fungiform papillae
b) Filiform papillae
c) Vallate papillae
d) Foliate papillae

# Anterior 2/3rd of tongue arises from: (AIIMS - 90)
a) Hypobranchial eminence
b) Two lingual swellings
c) Tuberculum impar
d) Two lingual Swelling & Tuberculum impar

# Deep surface of hyoglossus is related to: (C0MEDK-06)
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Glossopharyngeal nerve
c) Lingual nerve
d) Submandibular Ganglion

# Which of the following muscle of tongue runs from dorsum of tongue to ventral
a) Verticalis
b) Transverse
c) Inferior longitudinal
d) Superior longitudinal 

# The extrinsic muscles that aid in depressing the tongue are the: (KAR -97)
a) Styloglossi and palatoglossi
b) Genioglossi and palatoglossi
c) Hyoglossi and styloglossi
d) Genioglossi and hyoglossi

# Structures related to the medial surface of the hyoglossus muscle include the following EXCEPT: (COMEDK-08)
a) Hypoglossal nerve
b) Glossopharyngeal nerve
c) Stylohyoid ligament
d) Lingual artery

# The mucosa of the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by: (KCET-2009)
a) Trigeminal nerve
b) Facial nerve
c) Mandibular nerve
d) Glossopharyngeal nerve

# The muscles of the tongue are supplied by: (AIPG -99, AIIMS -94)
a) Chorda tympani
b) Hypoglossal
c) Lingual nerve
d) Glossopharyngeal nerve

# Main arterial supply to the tongue is: (AIPG -96)
a) Lingual artery
b) Facial Artery
c) Ascending palatine artery
d) Ascending pharyngeal artery

# Tongue develops from which branchial arches: (AIPG -93)
a) I, II, III
b) I, II, III, IV
c) I,II, IV
d) I, III, IV

# Sensory nerve fibres to posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by: (AIIMS -92)
a) XII cranial nerve
b) X cranial nerve
c) VII cranial nerve
d) IX cranial nerve

# Palsy of the right genioglossus causes:
a) Deviation of soft palate to left
b) Deviation of tongue to left
c) Deviation of tongue to right
d) Deviation of soft palate to right

# Safety muscle of tongue is: (KAR -13)
a) Palatoglossus
b) Styloglossus
c) Genioglossus
d) Hyoglossus

# The Tongue: (PGI-06)
a) Separated from the epiglottis by glossoepiglottic folds
b) Contains 6-10 circumvallate papilla located posterior to sulcus terminals
c) Embryologically derives from 1st branchial arch only
d) Contains foramen caecum which is present on the dorsum of frenulum

# Taste receptors: (GCET-14)
a) Are a type of chemoreceptor
b) All of them
c) Are innervated by afferent fibres of V, VII & IX
d) Primary taste sensations are spatially separated on the surface of the tongue

# Taste sensation is carried by all except: (AIIMS MAY-13)
a) Glossopharyngeal nerve
b) Facial nerve
c) Vagus nerve
d) Trigeminal nerve

# The action of styloglossus muscle is: (AIPG-2010)
a) Elevation of tongue
b) Posteriorly retracts the tongue
c) Protrusion of tongue
d) Depression of tongue

# Lymph from tongue not drained by following vessels: (AIIMS NOV-13)
a) Posterior
b) Central
c) Marginal
d) Ventral

# Tongue movement has its primary effect on: (AIIMS-07)
a) Cheeks
b) Facial musculature
c) Palatoglossus arch
d) Lips


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