

MCQs on Microbiology - Bacteriology Part 1

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 # The causative organism of syphilis is: (AIPG -94)
a) Borrelia burgolorferi
b) Chalamydia trachomatis
c) Leptospira interrogans
d) Treponema pallidum

# On a stained slide, Clostridium tetani has the appearance of a: (MAN-95)
a) Bunch of grapes
b) Chain of beads
c) Drum stick
d) Safety pin

# An oxidase-positive, gram-negative rod which produces a bluish-green pigment has been grown in culture from a swab obtained from an infected burn wound. This organism is susceptible to gentamicin, ticarcillin and tobramicin, but resistant to all the other antibiotics. Which of the following organisms is it likely to be? (MAN-95)
a) Escherichia coli
b) Klebsiella pnemoniae
c) Proteus mirabilis
d) Pseudomonas aeruginosa

# In initial stages of typhoid, salmonella can be detected in: (MAN-98)
a) Feacus
b) Urine
c) Blood
d) All of the above

# Bacteria reproduce mainly by: (MAN-99)
a) budding
b) binary fission
c) sporing
d) bacterial components produced by host cells

# The following are applicable to bacterial genome except: (KAR-97)
a) It is composed of DNA
b) It does not contain histones
c) It is circular
d) Its DNA has both introns and extrons

# Signs of typhoid fever is / are: (MAN-97)
a) Haemorrhage
b) Perforation
c) Osteomyelitis
d) All of the above

# All the following are true of streptococcus except: (MAN-2001)
a) It's a group of lactic acid producing bacteria
b) Shows adherence to dental enamel
c) Most common in humans
d) Most common in animals

# The structure involved in bacterial attachment to cell surfaces is: (KAR-97; MAN -2001)
a) Capsule
b) Fimbria
c) Flagella
d) None of the above

# The specific test for Treponema pallidum is: (MAN-2002)
b) Kahn's test
d) Widal test 

# The difference between gram positive and negative bacteria lies in their: (KAR-97)
a) Cell wall
b) Cell membrane
c) Nuclear material
d) Mesosomes

#  The commonest method of detection of diphtheria carriers is: (AIPG-99)
a) Schick test
b) Dick test
c) Casoni's test
d) Charle's test

#  Each of the following can cause food poisoning except: (AIPG-99)
a) Cl. difficile
b) Staphylococcus
c) Cl. welchii
d) Cl. botulinum

# Toxic shock syndrome is due to the following virulence factor: (AIIMS-2003)
a) M protein
b) Pyrogenic exotoxin
c) Streptolysin
d) Carbohydrate cell wall

# The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except: (KAR-98)
a) It consists of a mixed polymer called peptidoglycan
b) It is the structure principally responsible for the reaction of gram staining
c) It is a unique flexible plastic structure
d) It contains D-isomers of amino acids

# Endotoxins have all but one of the properties given below: (KAR-97)
a) Produced by gram negative bacteria
b) Produced by gram positive bacteria
c) Not secreted outside the cell
d) Cannot be toxoided

# One of the following is a treponemal test for diagnosis of syphilis: (KAR-2K)
a) FAB
b) Widal test
c) Wasserman test
d) Kahn test 

# Anaerobic bacteria grow: (KAR-99)
a) in the presence of oxygen
b) in the presence of nitrogen
c) in the absence of oxygen
d) differential media

# Organ of locomotion in bacteria is: (KAR-99)
a) Fimbria
b) Flagella
c) Capsule
d) Cell wall

# For uniform staining reaction, morphology and biochemical activity, it is advisable to study bacterial cultures during the: (AIPG-2003)
a) Lag phase
b) Death phase
c) Stationary phase
d) Logarithmic phase

# Wasserman test is diagnostic of: (AP-2001)
a) Syphilis
b) Gonorrhea
c) TB
d) Typhoid

# Bacteria with potent exotoxin is: (AP-97)
a) Clostridium tetani
b) Pseudomonas
c) Shigella
d) Klebsiella 

# The genetic ability of a bacterium to grow in the presence of several antibiotics is passed in vivo from one bacterium to another by: (AIPG-2003)
a) Conjugation
b) Rarefaction
c) Transduction
d) Transformation

# Bacteria acquire characteristics by all of the following except: (AIPG-2002)
a) Through plasmids
b) Incorporating part of host DNA
c) Through bacteriophages
d) Through conjugation

# The virulence factors of Neissseria gonorrhea include all except:
a) Outer membrane proteins
b) IgA protease
c) M-Proteins
d) Pili 

# Which of the following enzyme is required to induce the formation of a plasma clot pathogenic staphylococci? (AIPG-2003, AIIMS-2002)
a) Lysozyme
b) Fibrinolysin
c) Coagulase
d) S protein

# In a patient with typhoid, diagnosis after 15 days of onset of fever is best done by:
a) Blood culture
b) Widal test
c) Stool culture
d) Urine culture

# Grape bunch shaped colonies are seen in: (AIIMS-2K)
a) Streptococcus
b) Staphylococcus
c) E.coli
d) Gonococci

# Staphylococci typically occur in: (AIPG-2003)
a) Pairs
b) Chains
c) Tetrads
d) Irregular clusters

#  Which of the following is anaerobic: (AIPG-2001)
a) E.coli
b) Bacteroides
c) Pseudomonas
d) Klebsiella

# One of the following is an agglutination test in the diagnosis of typhoid: (KAR-2K)
a) Widal test
b) Eleks test
c) Mantoux test
d) Wasserman test

# Inactivated microorganisms are used in the manufacture of which of the following: (AIPG-98)
a) Salk vaccine
b) Tetanus toxoid
c) Sabin's oral vaccine
d) All of the above 

# With regards to temperature requirement, most pathogenic bacteria are: (KAR-97)
a) Psychrophiles
b) Mesophiles
c) Cryophiles
d) Thermophiles

# The major intestinal pathogens which are non-lactose fermenters are: (AIPG-98)
a) Salmonella
b) Klebsiella
c) Escherichia
d) Paracolons

# A protoplast is best characterized as a bacterial cell: (AIPG-2003)
a) With a cell wall but free of a capsule
b) Containing a cell wall and a capsule
c) Free of a cell wall and a capsule
d) Uniquely sensitive to penicillin

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