

MCQs in Oral Pathology - Diseases of Microbial Origin

# Endotoxin is released from:
A. Candida albicans
B. Streptococcus sanguis
C. Gram negative bacteria
D. Actinomyces viscosus

# All of the following oral conditions can give rise to bacteremias, EXCEPT:
A. Extraction of tooth
B. Periodontitis
C. Endodontic therapy
D. Dentinal caries

# The most common extraoral cause of halitosis is:
A. Indigestion
B. Alcohol intake
C. Chronic sinusitis
D. Diabetes mellitus

# The typical triad of maxillary sinusitis are:
A. Nasal congestion, pathological secretion, Headache
B. Nasal congestion, trismus, epiphora
C. Nasal congestion, maxillary tooth pain, bloody discharge from the sinus
D. Nasal obstruction, headache, ear ache

# Sinusitis may cause referred pain in:
A. Maxillary anterior teeth
B. Maxillary posterior teeth
C. Mandibular anterior teeth
D. Mandibular posterior teeth

# Maxillary sinus infection of odontogenic origin is:
A. Aerobic bacteria
B. Anaerobic bacteria
C. Fungal
D. Mixed

# A 25 year old male comes with a complaint of throbbing pain in the upper part of the cheek or entire side of the face, heavy feeling in the face, which exacerbates on bending down and with associated pyrexia. The most probable diagnosis is:
A. Acute dentoalveolar abscess in relation to upper first molar
B. Irreversible pulpitis in relation to upper 2nd molar
C. Acute maxillary sinusitis
D. Acute periodontal abscess in relation to upper first molar

# Surgical ciliated cyst is often associated with surgeries of the:
A. Maxillary impaction
B. Mandibular setback
C. Caldwell Luc procedure
D. Lip mucocele

# Some micro organisms produce a diffuse spreading inflammatory reaction due to the elaboration of:
A. Coagulase
B. Peroxidase
C. Bradykinin
D. Hyaluronidase

# Candida albicans occurs as:
A. Spore form only
B. Yeast form only
C. Mycelial form only
D. Both yeast and mycelial form

# White raised painless areas in oral cavity when on peeling exhibit painful erythematous areas in case of:
A. Oral thrush
B. Pemphigus vulgaris
C. Leukoplakia
D. Erythroplakia

# A debilitated patient on oral penicillin has white lesions that can be stripped away from a tongue, leaving a raw surface. The patient probably has:
A. Candidiasis
B. Lichen planus
C. Histoplasmosis
D. Mucosal dysplasia

# All of the following statements about thrush are true EXCEPT:
A. It is caused by a gram negative fungs.
B. It is characterized by a plaque of proliferating epithelial and other cells.
C. It is a complication of immunosuppression or systemic disease
D. It can affect neonates in an epidemic fashion

# In which of the following angular cheilitis may be seen:
A. Tuberculosis
D. Candida albicans

# A patient complains of red, swollen, painful, burning mucosa restricted to the areas directly under his maxillary denture. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Candidiasis
B. Allergic stomatitis
C. Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia
D. Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia

# A 55 year old female patient with denture reported to the dentist. Her chief complaint was pain in the denture bearing area. On examination, inflammation of the denture bearing area with erythematous in nature, more diffuse involving entire denture bearing area is seen. What is the clinical situation called as:
A. Epulis fissuratum
B. Traumatic ulcers
C. Denture irritational hyperplasia
D. Denture stomatitis

# Candida infection is not seen in:
A. Median rhomboid glossitis
B. Geographic tongue
C. Oral thrush
D. Denture stomatitis

# The specific feature of oral candidiasis sometimes seen in otherwise healthy patients is:
A. Hairy tongue
B. Fissured tongue
C. Geographic tongue
D. Median rhomboid glossitis

# All of the following are types of candidiasis EXCEPT:
A. Oral thrush
B. Angular cheilitis
C. Median rhomboid glossitis
D. Geographic tongue

# A deficiency of which of the following cells can predispose to candidiasis?
A. Eosinophils
B. Macrophages
C. Plasma cells
D. T Lymphocytes

# Drug used to treat oral thrush is:
A. Clobetasol
B. Cotrimoxazole
C. Miconazole
D. Penicillin

# In the management of candida denture stomatitis, the following is used:
A. Chlorhexidine 2 %
B. Betadine
C. Gentian violet
D. Local therapy with nystatin or amphotericin B

# White patch is seen on the buccal mucosa consisting of pseudomycelium and chlamydospores with desquamated epithelium adjacent to it. The patient is suffering from:
A. Histoplasmosis
B. Cryptococcosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Coccidiomycosis

# The reticuloendothelial system is primarily involved in:
A. Histoplasmosis
B. Cryptococcosis
C. Geotrichosis
D. Sporotrichosis

# The fungus which has an apparent predilection for blood vessels and is able to penetrate their walls and produce thromboses is:
A. Rhinosporidium seeberi
B. Phycomycetes
C. Sporothrichum schenkii
D. Cryptococcus neoformans

# Following are the characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans EXCEPT:
A. Noncapsulated fungus infecting man
B. Causes meningitis
C. Melanin production related to virulence
D. Basidiomycetes yeast

# A patient is having severe mycotic infection, diabetes mellitus and cellulitis:
A. Mucormycosis
B. Histoplasmosis
C. Candidiasis
D. None of the above

# Which of the following is an intraoral feature of mucormycosis?
A. Bleeding
B. Vesicle formation and ulcer formation
C. Ulcer palate
D. Mobility of teeth

# A thirty-two year old adult male presents with a chronic suppurative lesion on the angle of the jaw. Microscopic examination shows small abscesses immediately beneath the epidermis with moderate growth of epithelial cords. In the abscess, there are oval, unicellular organisms measuring 20 micrometer in diameter and having a thick double refractive cell wall and cytoplasm containing refractive granules and vacuoles. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?
A. Blastomycocis
B. Foreign body reaction
C. Syphilis
D. Tuberculosis

# Phycomycosis is also called:
A. Botryomycosis
B. Coccidiomycosis
C. Phytomycosis
D. Mucormycosis

# Botryomycosis is a ____________ disease.
A. Fungal
B. Bacterial
C. Viral
D. Parasitic

# Which of the following is a multisystem granulomatous disease?
A. Sarcoidosis
B. Candidiasis
C. Pyogenic granuloma
D. Mucormycosis

# Sarcoidosis is: (TWO OPTIONS CORRECT)
A. Uncommon inn Afro-Caribbean
B. Less common in smokers
C. Seen in temperate climate
D. Single system disorder

# Id reaction is associated with:
A. Aphthous ulcer
B. Herpetic stomatitis
C. Syphilis
D. Candidiasis

# Which of the following is not characteristic of congenital syphilis?
A. Ghon complex
B. Interstitial keratitis
C. Mulberry molars
D. Notched incisors

# Splitted papule at corner of mouth is seen in:
A. Recurrent herpes labialis
B. Recurrent herpetic stomatitis
C. Increased vertical dimension
D. Secondary syphilis

# Ollendorf sign is seen in:
A. Congenital syphilis
B. Primary syphilis
C. Secondary syphilis
D. Tertiary syphilis

# Oral lesions of secondary syphilis includes all EXCEPT:
A. Snail track ulcers
B. Mucous patches
C. Chancre of tongue
D. Hutchinson's wart

# Leutic glossitis is an intraoral manifestation caused by:
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Treponema pallidium
D. Streptococcus

# Cancerous involvement is seen with:
A. Chancre
B. Mucous patch
C. Syphilitic glossitis
D. Gumma

# General paresis in neurosyphilis is a feature of :
A. Primary stage of syphilis
B. Latent phase of syphilis
C. Secondary stage of syphilis
D. Tertiary stage of syphilis

# Which of the following is a painful ulcer?
A. Syphilitic ulcer
B. Trophic ulcer
C. Oral chancre
D. All of the above

# Oral ulcers that are painless are associated with:
A. Secondary herpes
B. Primary syphilis
C. Tuberculosis
D. Primary herpes

# The first consideration in the differential diagnosis of a painless palatal performation would be:
A. Syphilis
B. Histoplasmosis
C. Scrofuloderma
D. Actinomycosis

# Patient came with complaint of ulcer in the palate. On examination there is spongy gingiva with petechia. Interdental gingiva is with strawberry colored. Patient gives history of blood vomitus. A saddle nose is noticed. Most probably clinical diagnosis is:
A. Wegener's granulomatosis
B. Hutchinson's disease
C. Lead poisoning and other heavy metal poisoning
D. Arsenic poisoning

# A bacterial disease with oral manifestations is:
A. Herpes
B. Measles
C. Diphtheria
D. Leishmaniasis

# Bull neck is seen in:
A. Scarlet fever
B. Tuberculosis
C. Angioedema
D. Diphtheria

# Pathogenesis of diphtheria is attributed to:
A. Invasion
B. Endotoxin
C. Exotoxin
D. Capsule

# Sulfur granules are of diagnostic value in suspected cases of:
A. Histoplasmosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Lead sulfide tissue deposits
D. Scrofula

# Most severe form of Actinomycosis is:
A. Cervicofacial
B. Pulmonary
C. Abdominal
D. All are equally severe

# A 30 year old patient presents with an asymptomatic, doughy, soft 2 cm swelling of the lateral neck which has been present for months. The swelling recently enlarged as a result of an upper respiratory infection. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Scrofula
B. Hodgkin disease
C. Cat scratch fever
D. Cervicofacial actinomycosis

# Acute infection of bacteria which affects the nervous system:
A. Syphilis
B. Meliodosis
C. Tetanus
D. Tularemia

# A twelve year of boy presents with pain an inflammation over the ball of his right foot and red streaks extending over the inner aspect of his leg. He remembers removing a splinter of wood from the sole of his right foot the previous evening. Which of the following is most likely to be the infecting organism?
A. Clostridium perfringes
B. Clostridium tetani
C. Staphylococcus
D. Streptococcus

# Trismus is due to infection by:
A. Staphylococci
B. Streptococci
C. Diphtheria
D. Clostridium tetani

# Spasm of masseter muscles occurs in:
A. Tetanus
B. Trigeminal neuralgia
C. Tuberculous meningitis
D. Rabies

# Which disease is infectious but not communicable?
A. Measles
B. Mumps
C. Scarlet fever
D. Tetanus

# Hansen's disease is another name of:
A. Leprosy
B. Tuberculosis
C. Diabetes
D. Lichen planus

# Scrofula occurs due to:
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Treponema pallidium
C. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D. Herpes simplex

# The necrotic material undergoing calcification is seen in tuberculosis. This is called as:
A. Ghon's complex
B. Ghon focus
C. Ranke's complex
D. Immature calcification

# Oral lesions are rarely seen in:
B. Tuberculosis
C. Syphilis
D. Leukemia

# Lesions Oral tuberculosis are associated with all of the following except:
A. Central caseation
B. Hyaline degeneration
C. Giant cells in the center
D. Presence of epitheloid cells

# Which of the following oral structures are not affected in leprosy?
A. Gingiva
B. Tongue
C. Hard palate
D. Soft palate

# Spread of leprosy is via:
A. Nasal secretions
B. Saliva
C. Blood
D. Respiratory droplets

# The best laboratory test to use in the diagnosis of lupus vulgaris in the oral cavity is:
A. Bacterial smear
B. Blood studies
C. Biopsy
D. Blood chemistry

# Causative agent for scarlet fever is:
A. Streptococcus pyogenes
B. Staphylococcus aureus
C. Streptococcus epidermidis
D. Streptococcus albus

# "Strawberry tongue" is associated with:
A. Syphilis
B. Measles
C. Scarlet fever
D. Typhoid

# Pastia's lines in Scarlet fever are:
A. White lines on the dorsum of the tongue
B. Seen bilaterally on buccal mucosa
C. Present in skin folds secondary to capillary fragility
D. Seen when white and red strawberry tongue occur concomitantly

# Noma is:
A. Ulcerative stomatitis
B. Gangrenous stomatitis
C. Necrotizing stomatitis
D. Vincent's stomatitis

# Following are the characteristics of Vincent's angina EXCEPT:
A. Ulcerative gingivostomatitis
B. Caused due to malnutrition
C. A symbiotic infection
D. Caused by Leptospira interrogans

# All of the following can give rise to membrane on the pharynx except:
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Corynebacterium
C. Candida
D. Vincent's angina

# A case presenting with a gray colored pseudomembrane whose removal is difficult and painful, can be:
B. Diphtheric lesion
C. Secondary stage of syphilis
D. Desquamative gingivitis

# Recurrent ulcers occurring on gingiva and palate are most probably:
A. Aphthous ulcers
B. Herpes simplex
C. Koplik spots
D. Lesions of Behcet's syndrome

# The causative agent for "Oculoglandular syndrome of Parinaud" is:
A. Arachnia propionica
B. Bartonella henselae
C. Bifidobacterium dentium
D. Mycobacterium leprae

# Anitschkow cells are found in the histological sections of:
A. pemphigus
B. aphthous ulcer
C. leukoplakia
D. lichen planus

# Prolonged oral ulcers have been:
A. associated with stress
B. treated by antibodies
C. due to aphthous stomatitis
D. Fordyce's granules

# Burning mouth syndrome describes pain associated with:
A. Oral lichen planus
B. Oral submucous fibrosis
C. Aphthous stomatitis
D. No detectable oral disease

# Prodromal symptoms precede 1 to 2 days before the onset of disease in:
A. Viral fever
B. Eryhtema multiforme
C. Pemphigus
D. Pemphigoid

# Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis:
A. Occurs in children and young adults
B. Occurs only in young children
C. Occurs only in adults
D. All of the above

# Which of the following is true about herpetic gingivostomatitis?
A. Common in children
B. Affects the gingiva uniformly
C. Occurs only in adults
D. It occurs on labial mucosa

# A 6 year old child presents with generalized ulceration of mouth, malaise and fever. Treatment is:
A. Oral penicillin and peroxidase mouth wash
B. Prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics and mouthwash
C. Gently debride the ulcers and symptomatic treatment only
D. Systemic antibiotics only

# The characteristic lesion of Herpes virus infections on the skin or mucous membrane is:
A. Necrosis
B. Tumefaction
C. Hyperkeratosis
D. Vesicle

# Site specificity is seen in:
A. Syphilis
B. Recurrent herpes labialis
C. Carcinoma
D. Traumatic aphthous ulcer

# The reason why most patients suffering from recurrent herpes labialis rarely give a history of having acute form of the herpetic gingivostomatitis is because:
A. Etiological agents differ
B. The acute form occurs only in severely immunocompromised individuals
C. The primary infection was sub clinical
D. The patient has received antibodies during intrauterine life and the antibodies have persisted

# Fever blisters can occur due to:
B. Varicella
C. primary HSV 1 infection
D. Reactivation of HSV 1

# Which of the following is a difference between herpangina and primary herpetic stomatitis?
A. It is preceded by prodromal symptoms
B. It is unilateral in nature
C. Ulcers relationship seen on the anterior faucial pillars
D. Viral etiolog

# Cytological smear showing multinucleated giant cells, syncytium and ballooning degeneration of the nucleus is a characteristic feature of:
A. Herpes simplex virus infection
B. Erythema multiforme
C. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
D. Coxsackie virus infection

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