

MCQs on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Airway Maintenance

# The primary airway hazard for an unconscious patient in a supine position is:
A. Tongue obstruction
B. Bronchospasm
C. Laryngospasm
D. Aspiration

# Among the following, which is the rescue breathing in adult?
A. 6 times/min
B. 18 times/min
C. 12 times/min
D. 24 times/min

# Which is the best method to counteract severe acidosis following cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
A. Administration of adrenaline by IV route
B. Administration of sodium bicarbonate IV
C. Administration of adrenaline IM
D. No treatment is necessary because it is self limiting

# Universal distress signal, characterizing the obstructed airway in a conscious adult is:
A. Rapid heavy breathing
B. Victim's hand at his throat
C. Violent choking
D. Violent thrashing of the victim's arm

# Which of the following is the first manifestation of complete respiratory obstruction?
A. Pronounced retraction of intercostal and supraclavicular spaces
B. Prolonged expiration
C. Cyanosis
D. No changes in the patient

# Among the following which always indicates obstruction to the airway?
A. Increased respiratory rate
B. Increased pulse rate
C. Stertorous breathing
D. Decreased blood pressure

# Of the following which indicates early oxygen want?
A. Cyanosis
B. Increased Pulse rate
C. Bradycardia
D. Both A and B

# During CPR, the chest compression should be:
A. 2 inch per second
B. 1 inch per second
C. 2 inch per 5 seconds
D. 1 inch per 5 seconds

# In CPR, if one incorrectly applies pressure over the xiphoid process, the following may be injured:
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Spleen
D. Lungs

# If efforts in cardiopulmonary resuscitation are effective, there will be:
A. Constriction of pupils
B. Dilatation of pupils
C. Immediate hypertension
D. None of the above

# During CPR, sternum should be depressed:
A. Two inches every 5 seconds
B. 2 inches every second
C. 1 inch every 10 seconds
D. 3 inches every 5 seconds

# In external cardiac compressions, the compression relaxation cycle should be repeated:
A. 100 times per minute
B. Twice per second
C. 60 times per minute
D. 80 times per minute

# Of the following, which is the first step when initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
A. 60 times per minute
B. To establish an airway
C. A precardial thump
D. None of the above

# Which of the following may result due to interruptions in cardiac compression?
A. Little changes in blood flow and blood pressure
B. A reduction of blood flow and blood pressure to zero
C. Carbon dioxide buildup in the lungs
D. None of the above

# Which of the following is true of cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
A. Compression to ventilation ratio in two person CPR is 5:1
B. Compression to ventilation ratio in single person CPR is 15:2
C. Compression should be 60-80 per minute in adults
D. Compression should be 100 per minute in children
E. All of the above

# In patients on artificial ventilators, the cycle of exhaled air ventilation should be repeated every:
A. 20 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 5 seconds
D. 1 second

# In artificial ventilation, it is commonly recommended that the rescuer deliver a resting tidal volume that is:
A. four times the normal
B. three times the normal
C. twice the normal
D. normal

# Among the following which factor is strongest stimulator to increase the respiration?
A. Decrease in venous oxygen
B. Increase in blood pH
C. Increase in arterial carbon dioxide
D. Decrease in arterial oxygen


# During the treatment of shock, jugular venous pressure (JVP) should be maintained in the range of:
A. 15-20 mm Hg
B. 5-10 mm Hg
C. 10-15 mm Hg
D. 2-5 mm Hg

# On examination, it is noted that a patient requires 5-6 seconds to rapidly and completely exhale after a deep inspiration. He may be suffering with:
A. Upper airway disease
B. Advanced pulmonary disease
C. Severe cardiovascular disease
D. Normal exhalation time

# In a patient of maxillary facial trauma, wherein the fracture of cervical vertebrae has not been ruled out, what should be given?
A. Laryngoscopy and intubation
B. Fibreoptic intubation
C. Combitude
D. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)

# In a trauma patient with intra oral bleeding, best way to secure airway is:
A. Awake blind intubation
B. Awake fibreoptic intubation
C. Tracheostomy
D. Cricothyrotomy

# Best method of intubation in patient undergoing treatment for oral surgery under GA is:
A. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA)
B. Orotracheal tube
C. Endotracheal tube
D. Tracheostomy

# Airway maintenance in major oral surgical procedures:
A. Cuffed nasotracheal RAE tube
B. Uncuffed nasotracheal RAE tube
C. Kinked endotracheal tube
D. Armoured nasotracheal tube

# In a patient with Le fort II, Le fort III, and nasoethmoid fracture, what is the choice of intubation?
A. Oral
B. Oral and nasal
C. Nasal only
D. Submental

# Nasotracheal intubation is contraindicated in:
A. Le fort I
B. Maxillary sinusitis
C. Parietal bone fracture
D. Le fort II and Le fort III fracture

# In basal skull fracture which approach is not used?
A. Nasal intubation
B. Oral intubation
C. Submental intubation
D. Retromolar intubation

# The nasal intubation is avoided in patients with:
A. Ethmoid fracture
B. Maxillary fracture
C. Frontal fracture
D. Mandibular fracture

# Which type of endotracheal tube (ETT) is preferred for submental approach in complex NOE and zygomatic fracture?
A. Metallic ETT
B. Flexible silicone ETT
D. pre curved metallic ETT

# All are indication of fibreoptic tube intubation EXCEPT:
A. Previous difficult intubation
B. Previous intubation easy
C. Congenital abnormalities
D. Anticipated complication of airway management

# Nasal RAE tube in children:
A. Can be done in basal skull fracture
B. Postoperative period iintubation
C. To keep surgical field free during surgery
D. Enables to treat cleft palate

# In a patient of TMJ ankylosis requiring gap arthroplasty surgery, which type of tube is indicated for intubation?
A. North pole RAE
B. South pole RAE
C. PVC coated
D. Tracheostomy tube

# A paediatric patient is brought to the clinic for interpositional arthroplasty procedure. The best method of intubation is:
A. Topical anesthesia and sedation
C. Fibreoptic intubation
D. Tracheostomy

# Ideal method of intubation in a patient with bilateral TMJ ankylosis and retruded mandible is:
A. Direct laryngoscopy
B. Conventional laryngoscopy
C. Tracheostomy
D. Video laryngoscopy

# Which of the following is not an indication of tracheostomy?
A. Comatose patients
B. Upper airway obstruction
C. Lower airway obstruction
D. Maxillofacial injuries

# False about tracheostomy is:
A. Work of breathing reduced.
B. Increased dead space.
C. Increases lining secretions.
D. Decrease dead space.

# In an emergency situation where can the intubation be done when the thyrohyoid membrane has to be penetrated?
A. Below cricoid
B. Below thyroid
C. Above thyroid
D. At the isthmus region

# Cricothyroidotomy is contraindicated in:
A. Age below 5 years
B. Age between 15-20 years
C. Age between 20-30 years
D. Age between 30-40 years

# Vertical incision in tracheostomy is done in:
A. Emergency tracheostomy
B. Elective tracheostomy
C. Both in emergency and elective tracheostomies
D. Vertical incision cannot be given in any of the tracheostomies

# Which is not true about tracheostomy ?
A. Indicated in airway obstruction
B. Tracheostomy as an adjunct in ventilated comatose patients
C. To prevent aspiration of fluids
D. In bronchoscopy of a neonate

# Standard airway for Ludwig's angina:
A. Tracheostomy
B. Cricothyrotomy
C. Nasal intubation
D. Oral intubation

# All of the followinng are complications of tracheostomy EXCEPT:
A. Vocal cord paralysis
B. Retrobulbar hemorrhage
C. Tracheal stenosis
D. Tracheo-oesophageal fistula

# To perform tracheostomy entry should be made at the:
A. Cricothyroid ligament
B. Thyroid membrane
C. Thyroid notch
D. Cricoid cartilage

# In an elective tracheostomy, the entry should be made:
A. Above the cricoid
B. Below the cricoid
C. Through the cricothyroid membrane
D. Laterally below the thyroid cartilage

# Excessive pressure at angle of mandible during establishment of patent airway damages the:
A. 5th cranial nerve
B. 7th cranial nerve
C. 8th cranial nerve
D. 9th cranial nerve

# In case of general anesthesia, true statement for throat pack:
A. Well tolerated by awake patients
B. Should be removed before extubation
C. Remains after surgical procedure till healing
D. Is not necessary with cuffed endotracheal tube

# Which of the following is not true about throat packing in oral surgery?
A. Done when patient is awake
B. Should be done after induction of GA
C. Prevents soiling of the trachea
D. Prevents contamination of pharynx

# True regarding throat pack in oral surgery:
A. Given to all patients undergoing oral surgery
B. Given to patients intubated with cuffed oropharyngeal tubes
C. Given to patients intubated with uncuffed oropharyngeal tubes
D. Given to all patients intubated with Laryngeal mask airway

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