Not a contraindication to dental implant

# Which of the following conditions is not a contraindication to dental implant placement?
A. Diminished healing capacity of the patient's tissues
B. Current chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer
C. History of radiation therapy to the maxillofacial complex
D. Dysmorphophobia
E. Advanced patient age

Advanced patient age is not a contraindication to implant treatment. The ability of the
patient to withstand surgical treatment, etc. is a decision resting on the systemic health
of the patient.

Any condition that causes an impairment of the patient's ability to heal should be considered
as a contraindication to implant treatment. Serious psychiatric conditions such as psychoses should be considered a contraindication to implant treatment. Dysmorphophobia is an extremely irrational fear of being disfigured by treatment. Psychiatric complications can make the patient change his or her opinion about the acceptability of treatment which is difficult for the clinician to overcome.

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