


# Palatine process begins to fuse at:
A. 12 weeks post fertilization
B. 10 weeks post fertilization
C. 8 weeks post fertilization
D. 6 weeks post fertilization

# Lymph nodes of tongue is drained by all EXCEPT:
A. Ventral vessels
B. Posterior vessels
C. Dorsal vessels
D. Central vessels

# Infection of lower lip first reaches the bloodstream through:
A. Inferior labial vein
B. Inferior labial artery
C. Brachiocephalic vein
D. Pterygoid plexus

# Medial movement of head of condyle is brought by:
A. Buccinators
B. Lateral Pterygoid
C. Masseter
D. Medial pterygoid

# Carbon monoxide transfusion in lung is diffusion limited as:
A. Carboxy hemoglobin has high avidity
B. Base of the lung is poorly ventilated
C. pCO2 rises in blood immediately on exposure
D. Diffusion of CO across blood gas barrier is slow

# Which is not a mechanism of heat loss?
A. Peripheral vasoconstriction
B. Posture
C. Sweating
D. Vasodilation

# Life span of RBC is:
A. 45 days
B. 120 days
C. 100 days
D. 60 days

# Color of bile is due to:
A. Bilirubin
B. Creatinine
C. Bile pigments
D. Mercaptopurine

# Excess ingested carbohydrates are stored in body as:
A. Glycogen
B. Glucose
C. Triglycerides
D. Mobilized fat

# Calorific value of fat is:
A. 7
B. 4
C. 7.5
D. 9

# Best investment for casting base metal crowns:
A. Phosphate bonded investment
B. Gypsum bonded investment
C. Ethyl silicate bonded investment
D. High grade silicone bonded

# Which of the following wires can be bent for maximum number of times before it gets fractured?
A. Stainless steel
B. Cr-Co-Ni
C. Ni-Ti
D. Beta-titanium

# Density of base metal alloys compared to gold alloys is:
A. Equal
B. 1/2 times
C. 2 times
D. 4 times

# Least modulus of elasticity:
B. NiTi
C. B Titanium
D. Co-Cr

# Ratio of polymer to monomer in cold cure resin is:
A. 3:1 by weight and 2:1 by volume
B. 3:1 by volume and 2:1 by weight
C. 2:1 by volume and 2:1 by weight
D. 3:1 by volume and 3:1 by weight

# Stiffness is the term used for:
A. Toughness
B. Internal strain
C. Elastic deformity
D. Resistance to elastic deformation

# Phosphate bonded investment should be completely carbon free otherwise:
A. Investment chips off when molten metal enters the mold space
B. Black castings occur
C. Carbon makes the casting brittle
D. Smooth casting

# Hardness of stone surface is affected by:
A. Impression wax
B. Impression compound
C. Hydrocolloid impression material
D. Rubber based material

# Ceramic has which of the following property?
A. High compressive strength
B. High tensile strength
C. Low compressive strength
D. Low compressive high tensile strength

# Hard tissue of tooth is formed by:
A. Ectoderm and mesoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Ectoderm and endoderm
D. Ectoderm

# Dental arch form is ultimately determined by:
A. Balance between facial and intra oral musculature
B. Angle's classification
C. Facial type
D. Facial growth pattern

# Fungus with branching at right angle:
A. Rhizopus
B. Candida
C. Mucor
D. Aspergillus

# Some bacteria get encapsulated to:
A. Achieve protection from phagocytosis
B. To produce spores
C. To increase penetration capacity
D. To multiply

# Amoxicillin used with clavulanic acid has which of the following effect:
A. Antagonism
B. Displacement
C. Synergism
D. Cumulative action

# Patient with petechiae in oral cavity, associated with hepatosplenomegaly, ascites and on H/E round organism within macrophages are seen which are enlarged and identified by Giemsa stain. Diagnosis is:
A. Herpangina
B. Herpes Zoster
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. Kala Azar

# Most common cause of pulmonary embolism:
A. Thrombophlebitis
B. End arteritis
C. Atherosclerosis
D. Lymphangitis

# Serum chemistry analysis in a patient reveals pCO2= 30 mm Hg, pO2= 105 mm Hg, pH=7.46. This profile indicates partially compensated:
A. Metabolic alkalosis
B. Metabolic acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Respiratory acidosis

# Silver stain tissue biopsy of uncontrolled diabetic patient with sequestrating alveolar segment and nasal pus discharge show large long non specific hyphae with right angle branching, what will be the diagnosis?
A. Rhizopus
B. Mucormycosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Aspergillosis

# Patient with oral bullae on H/E examination ballooning degeneration is present, Lipschutz bodies and nucleolus 5-8 microns is seen; what is the diagnosis?
A. Kala Azar
B. Oral Herpes
C. Herpangina
D. Herpes zoster

# An athlete has habit of chewing gums; develop asymptomatic swelling in pre auricular region, on palpation bony hard in nature associated with new bone formation and is confirmed using CT scan. On PA view, it is radioopaque, most probable diagnosis is:
A. Benign masseteric hypertrophy
B. Traumatic myositis ossificans
C. Osteosarcoma
D. Parotitis

# Final diagnosis of Sjogren syndrome is done by:
A. Absence of SS-A Antibody
B. Positive Rheumatoid factor
C. Lip biopsy
D. Biopsy of lymph node and salivary gland excision

# Chromosome number related to Dentinogenesis Imperfecta is:
A. Chromosome no. 4
B. Chromosome no. 6
C. Chromosome no. 10
D. Chromosome no. 14

# Streptococci causes caries due to:
A. They are acid resistant
B. Ferments carbohydrates
C. Produce acids
D. Produce extracellular polysaccharide

# Which is low grade malignancy of salivary gland?
A. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
B. Acinic cell carcinoma
C. Ductal adenocarcinoma
D. Pleomorphic adenoma

# House Brackmann test is used to evaluate the function of:
A. Hypoglossal nerve
B. Optic nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Trochlear nerve

# Best graft for mandibular reconstruction is:
A. Vascularized tibia
B. Vascularized iliac
C. Vascularized fibula
D. Costochondral

# Oro antral fistula in the region of maxillary third molar is best treatd by:
A. Buccal mucoperiosteal flap
B. Palatal mucoperiosteal flap
C. Bridge flap
D. Palatal island flap

# Le Clerc procedure is done for the treatment of:
A. Maxillary disimpaction
B. Disc displacement
C. Recurrent disc dislocation / Condylar dislocation
D. Cleft lip

# Simplification of fracture is associated with:
A. Multiple fractures
B. Comminuted fractures
C. Single line fracture of mandible
D. Green stick fracture

# Blow out fracture of orbit involves fracture of which wall?
A. Floor
B. Lateral wall
C. Medial wall
D. Roof

# Bigonial flaring of symphysis fracture can be minimized by:
A. Reconstruction plate
B. Lingual plate reduction
C. Buccal plate reduction
D. Intermaxillary fixation

# Latency period for distraction osteogenesis in an 8 month old child is:
A. 1 week
B. 0-2 days
C. 5-7 days
D. 2 weeks

# Most common cause of CSF leakage in middle third of facial skeleton is due to:
A. Sphenoidal sinus
B. Cribriform plate
C. Tegmen tympani
D. Frontal sinus

# Trismus after inferior alveolar nerve block is caused due to:
A. Breakage of needle
B. Injection into the medial petrygoid muscle
C. Injection into the parotid gland
D. Needle injury to pterygomandibular ligament

# Caldwell-Luc antrostomy is done through:
A. Middle meatus
B. Superior meatus
C. Inferior meatus
D. Inferior and middle meatus

# Color of oxygen cylinder is:
A. Black with white line
B. White with black line
C. Blue with white line
D. White with blue line

# In a costochondral grafting the chondral part is taken using:
A. 701 bur
B. Rib cutter
C. No. 11 blade
D. Rib shearer

# Janetta surgical procedure involves:
A. Microvascular decompression
B. Gasserian ganglionectomy
C. Nerve sheathing procedure
D. Cutaneous ganglion glycerolysis

# In cricothyroidotomy, incision is given in relation to the:
A. Inferior to thyroid isthmus
B. Inferior to thyroid cartilage
C. Inferior to cricoid cartilage
D. Superior to cricoid cartilage

# Patient comes to your dental clinic with frequent fracture of maxillary denture. Occlusal records are made and no occlusal discrepancies are present. What is the most probable reason?
A. Inadequate extension of maxillary denture
B. Inadequate denture retention
C. Decreased flexural strength of denture base material
D. Decreased resilience of mucosa of anterior hard palate

# In a CT angiogram internal maxillary artery is close to ankylotic mass, which is the best instrument to do gap arthroplasty?
A. No. 701 bur
B. Chisel and mallet
C. Oscillating saw
D. Piezoelectric

# In edgewise appliance, first order bend are:
A. First horizontal and then vertical
B. Bends are not given at all
C. Vertical
D. Horizontal

# ADA specification number for ortho wires is:
A. 30
B. 29
C. 31
D. 32

# According to archival analysis, facial type III, which is true?
A. Anterior cranial base does not pass through O
B. Occlusal plane does not pass through O
C. Mandibular plane does not pass through O
D. Palatal plane does not pass through O

# Decrease in collum angle is seen in:
A. Class III
B. Class II div 1
C. Class II div 2
D. Bimaxillary protrusion

# The ratio of Anterior upper facial height:lower facial height is:
A. 40:60
B. 45:55
C. 60:40
D. 55:45

# Length of base of cranium is measured by:
A. Sella to nasion
B. Nasion to menton
C. Nasion to Bolton
D. Sella to Bolton

# Centric holding cusp is:
A. Distolingual cusp of mandibular 1st molar
B. Mesiopalatal cusp of maxillary first molar
C. Mesiobuccal cusp of maxillary first molar
D. Mesiolingual cusp of mandibular first molar

# Mandibular arch completely enclosed in maxillary arch:
A. Scissor bite
B. Open bite
C. Reverse bite
D. Cross bite

# Facial plane angle is:
A. FHP to N-Pog
B. FHP to Sn-Go
C. N-Pog to Basion-Sella
D. Sn to N-Pog

# Anterior posterior curve passing along the teeth is:
A. Curve of Wilson
B. Curve of Monson
C. Curve of Spee
D. Caternary curve

# Hyperactive mentalis activity is seen in:
A. Class III
B. Class II
C. Class II div I
D. Class II div II

# A silver amalgam restoration is to be done in a posterior tooth with a proximal box extension with wide facio-lingual width. Which wedging technique should be used to well adapt the matrix band?
A. Single wedge
B. Double wedge
C. Wedge wedge
D. No wedge

# 90 degree activation of pendulum appliance creates hows much force for distalization of upper molar?
A. 200 gm
B. 300 gm
C. 250 gm
D. 350 gm

# Which of the following is the best retainer for orthodontic treatment of midline diastema?
A. No need for retainer
B. Hawley appliance for 6 months
C. Lingual bonded retainer
D. Hawley appliance for 12 months

# Prior to reimplantation, avulsed tooth is soaked in 3% citric acid. This is done to:
A. Disinfect the tooth
B. Remove the PDL
C. Etch the surface
D. Increase surface reactivity

# Pre carve burnishing, all are true EXCEPT:
A. Reduces voids in the surface of restoration
B. Improves marginal adaptation
C. Increases hardness of surface
D. Brings excess mercury to surface

# Acidity of plaque in proximal area remains below normal for:
A. 20 minutes
B. 120 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 180 minutes

# Most common transport media for carrying avulsed tooth is:
A. Saliva
B. Viaspan
C. Milk

# Incidence of a disease is high and prevalence is low in a specific duration of time:
A. Either disease is very fatal or easily curable
B. Disease is not cured easily
C. Incidence and prevalence are not dependent
D. None incidence and low prevaence

# Ratio of standard deviation to the mean of data is called:
A. Coefficient of skewness
B. Coefficient of variance
C. Standard variation
D. Standard error of mean

# Space maintainers are categorized into which level of health protection?
A. Health promotion
B. Specific protection
C. Tertiary protection
D. Disease limitation

# Infant mortality rate does not include:
A. Post neonatal death
B. Early neonatal death
C. Stillbirth
D. Late neonatal death

# Metallic taste after application of stannous fluoride varnish is due to:
A. Calcium trifluoro stannate
B. Stannic tri fluoro phosphate
C. Tin hydroxy phosphate
D. Stannous trifluoro phosphate

# Taking consideration of the systemic factors and displacement of gingiva, which is the best?
A. Aluminium chloride
B. Adrenaline
C. Ferric sulphate
D. Epinephrine

# True about Wilson curve is:
A. Antero-posterior curve
B. Helps in achieving compensating curve during arrangement of posteriors
C. Posterior teeth parallel to inward pull of masseter
D. Determine posterior plane of occlusion

# Wrought metal in cast RPD is used for:
A. Major connector
B. Retentive arm
C. Reciprocal arm
D. Minor connector

# Which is true about immediate denture?
A. All teeth extracted on the same day
B. Maxillary posterior teeth are extracted first and then on the day of denture insertion extract the remaining anterior teeth
C. Anteriors extracted first and on the day of denture insertion posterior teeth are extracted
D. None

# Patient is given new complete denture reports to your clinic with sore throat and pain on swallowing. probable reason is:
A. Maxillary overextension
B. Mandibular lingual border overextension
C. Maxillary overextension into pterygoid fovea
D. Mandibular overextension

# Shape of minor connector designed to connect both sides of maxilla are:
A. Circular in cross section
B. Half round in cross section
C. Triangular in cross section
D. Round in cross section

# Patient with neuromuscular incoordination reports to your clinic. Best way to do occlusal discrepancy correction is:
A. Take interocclusal records using carborundum paste
B. Take interocclusal records and do occlusal correction in the articulator
C. Direct method on patients mouth as taking jaw relations is difficult
D. No need to correct occlusal discrepancy for neuromuscular patients

# Relationship between socioeconomic status of the population and incidence of caries is studied under:
A. Cohort study
B. Case control study
C. Descriptive epidemiology
D. Analytical epidemiology

# In a rheumatoid arthritis patient with TMJ ankylosis progressively exhibiting anterior open bite and decreasing mouth opening, what is indicated?

A. Gap arthroplasty
B. Titanium and plastic graft for TMJ reconstruction
C. Neocondyle distraction
D. Costochondral graft

# A 7 year old child reports to your clinic with trauma to maxillary permanent incisor associated with Ellis class III fracture with a small laceration on the upper lip 2 hours back. On clinical examination, the tooth is within normal physiological mobility. What is the best treatment?
A. Orthodontic extrusion
B. Splint with composite
C. Apexogenesis
D. Apexification and reimplantation

# In a stainless steel crown on a deciduous molar with overhanging margins, gingival pain and inflammation occurs due to:
A. Engaging undercut
B. Excess cement
C. Entrapment of plaque
D. Crown margin causing irritation

# A child suffers from trauma which causes lateral luxation of the primary central incisor. The incisor is not in occlusion and does not cause interference. What should be done?
A. The incisor should be allowed for passive and spontaneous repositioning itself
B. Be repositioned and splinted
C. Reduce the opposing teeth
D. Reduce both the affected and the opposing teeth

# Which of the following has little or no clinical significance?
A. Eruption of second premolar before first molar
B. Eruption of permanent mandibular incisor before mandibular first molar
C. Eruption of premolar before second molar
D. Eruption of canine and premolar before second molar

# Maximum bacteria accumulated during plaque formation at which tooth surface?
A. Occlusal
B. Interproximal
C. Lingual
D. Buccal

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