

MCQs in Orthodontics - Cephalometry

# Frankfort's horizontal plane (FHP) is formed by joining:
A. Porion and Orbitale
B. Nasion and Sella
C. Porion and Sella
D. Porion and Nasion

# Most anterior part of the chin is:
A. Gonion
B. Pogonion
C. Menton
D. Gnathion

# Gonion, menton and pogonon are located on:
A. Midline landmarks
B. Mandible
C. Maxilla
D. Skeletal profile

# In a lateral cephalogram, the distance at which the film is placed from the mid sagittal plane is:
A. 10 cms
B. 12 cms
C. 15 cms
D. 18 cms

# The three landmarks which determine skeletal convexity are:
A. Glabella, prosthion and supramentale
B. Nasion, sella and articulare
C. Nasion, subspinale and Pogonion
D. Orbitale, anterior nasal spine and pogonion

# Which of the following is a bilateral landmark on the lateral cephalogram?
A. Basion
B. Pogonion
C. Gonion
D. Nasion

# Pogonion is:
A. Most inferior point on the contour of the chin
B. Lowest point on the symphyseal outline
C. Most posterior inferior point on the angle of the mandible
D. Anterior most point on the contour of the chin

# An ANB angle of 2 degrees on the cephalogram usually indicates:
A. an unfavourable relationship of mandible to maxilla
B. a favourable relationship of maxillary alveolar base to mandibular alveolar base
C. Poor cranial growth with poor prognosis
D. Retruded maxillary incisor

# In cephalometric analysis of children with malocclusion, the angle ANB is frequently used in patients with severe class II malocclusions. This angle is :
A. Large
B. Small
C. Normal
D. Negative

# Which of the following is a MISMATCH?
A. Bolton Point: highest point on the concavity behind occipital condyles
B. Gonion: anterior point of the angle of the mandible
C. Orbitale: lowest point on the left infraorbital margin
D. Porion: highest point on the soft tissue (Superior surface) of the external auditory meatus

# Open bite on cephalogram shows as:
A. Increased Mandibular plane angle
B. Decreased Mandibular plane angle
C. Increased ANB angle
D. None of the above

# X rays were discovered by:
A. Madam Curie
B. Roentgen
C. Rutherford
D. Becquerel

# The highest point of the concavity behind the occipital condyles is:
A. Bolton point
B. Glabella
C. Prosthion
D. Basion

# S.N.A. angle describes the relation of the:
A. Maxilla to the cranial base
B. Mandible to the cranial base
C. Maxilla to the mandible
D. Maxilla to the upper incisors

# Y axis is used to analyse:
A. Maxillary growth
B. Mandibular growth
C. Both maxillary and mandibular growth
D. to design appliance

# Cephalometrics was introduced by:
A. Margolis and William Wilson in 1925
B. Tweed and Mills in 1940
C. Bjork and Sassouni in 1995
D. Broadbent and Hofrath inn 1932

# The deepest point between the anterior nasal spine and superior prosthion is:
A. Subspinale
B. Supranasale
C. Infraspinale
D. Gnathion

# Which of the following cannot be assessed with cephalometric radiograph?
A. Mandibular retrusion
B. Vertical facial disproportion
C. Incisor position and angulation
D. Adequacy of dental arch perimeter

# The angle of convexity is:
C. NA-Pog

# Which of the following conditions cannot be assessed by a cephalogram?
A. Mandibular lateral asymmetry
B. Vertical facial discrepancy
C. Increased posterior height
D. Decreased anterior height

# Tweed's triangle denotes:
A. The position of maxilla and mandible to each other
B. The angle between the mandibular plane and mandibular incisors
C. Relationship between maxillary central and mandibular central incisor
D. Profile of an individual

# The anterior cranial base is suitable for superimposition of serial cephalogram because of its:
A. Anatomic configuration
B. Attachment to maxilla
C. Early cessation of growth
D. Being the most anterior aspect of the cranial base

# The point of intersection of dorsal contours of mandibular processes:
A. Supramentale
B. Articulare
C. Condylion
D. Pterygomaxillary point

# Down's cephalometric analysis uses ______ line as a reference plane.
B. SN plane
C. Porion-Orbitale
D. Gonion-Menton

# On a cephalogram id FMA angle is 25 degrees the patient is:
A. Long face
B. Short face
C. Average face
D. Mandibular growth is rotated backwards

# Which of the following does not lie on the mandible?
A. Pogonion
B. Porion
C. Menton
D. Gnathion

# If a normal SNA is 82 degrees, and a patient has SNA=90 degrees, this suggests:
A. Maxillary teeth protrusion
B. Maxillary protrusion
C. Mandibular protrusion
D. Mandibular retrusion

# Registration point:
A. Point 'A'
B. A point half way on the perpendicular from sella to Bolton's plane
C. Nasion
D. Point 'B'

# In a patient of class II Div 1, which of the following features is present?
A. ANB of +2 degrees
B. ANB of +8 degrees
C. ANB of-9 degrees
D. FMA >35 degrees

# Angle formed between mandibular plane and the long axis of mandibular central incisor is:
A. 90 +/-5 degrees
B. 25 degrees
C. 120 degrees
D. 80+/-2 degrees

# A cephalogram of a 10 year old child shows ANB= -4 degree and facial angle of 98 degrees. The case is of:
A. Maxillary hypoplasia
B. Pseudo class III malocclusion
C. True class III malocclusion
D. Maxillary prognathism

# Which of the following planes can be examined clinically?
A. Frankfort's Horizontal Plane
B. Bolton's plane
C. SN plane
D. All of the above

# Which of the following cephalometric analysis does not reveal the severity of anteroposterior jaw dysplasia?
A. Down's analysis
B. Steiner's analysis
C. Tweed's analysis
D. Wit's analysis

# Angle between FH plane and occlusal plane is:
A. 1 degree
B. 10 degrees
C. 27 degrees
D. Parallel to each other

# Cephalometric analysis are used to evaluate growth changes by superimposing on:
A. Sella-Nasion plane
B. Mandibular plane
D. Occlusal plane

# In a skeletal class III, the value of ANB will be:
A. - 10
B. +2
C. +4
D. +6

# High angle case is:
A. FMIA > 65 degrees
B. IMP > 100 degrees
C. FMP > 35 degrees
D. SNA > 4 degrees

# SNB angle describes the relationship of the:
A. Maxilla to the cranial base
B. Mandible to the cranial base
C. Maxilla to the mandible
D. All of the above

# ANB angle refers to:
A. Skeletal relation
B. Transverse discrepancy
C. Dental malocclusion
D. None of the above

# Nasion is situated at:
A. Frontonasal suture
B. Zygomatic process
C. Orbital floor
D. NOne of the above

# Facial plane is formed by:
A. Sella Gnathion
B. Sella nasion
C. Nasion pogonion
D. Nasion subspinale

# Decreased interincisal angle indicates:
A. Retrusion of teeth
B. Protrusion of teeth
C. Vertical overlap
D. Horizontal overlap

# Mid point from sella to Bolton's point is:
A. Registration point
B. Basion
C. Nasion
D. Condylon

# Anteroposterior relation of the jaws is measured by:
A. ANB angle
B. Angle between SN and FH plane
C. Angle between SN and mandibular plane
D. Facial angle

# The size of cephalogram as compared to the size of cranium is:
A. No difference
B. 5 % reduction
C. 5 % enlargement
D. 10 % enlargement

# In bimaxillary malocclusion:
A. SNA is increased
B. SNB is increased
C. Both SNA and SNB are increased
D. Both SNA and SNB are depleasant

# In skeletal class III malocclusion will show :
A. ANB of +8°
B. ANB of - 6°
C. ANB of 0°
D. ANB of +2°

# In class II malocclusion, ANB angle is:
A. Greater than normal
B. Less than normal
C. Not altered
D. None of the above

# Fishman's SMI is a method of evaluation of:
A. Symmetry of the dental arch
B. Skeletal maturity
C. Arch length discrepancy
D. Prognathsim of maxilla

# Which is the most often and most stable used plane for the superimposition of lateral cephalograms in studying the growth of a child?
A. Frankfort plane
B. S-N Plane
C. Mandibular plane
D. Occlusal plane

# The Y-axis is also known as growth axis because:
A. Its axis is parallel to patient's growth in height
B. It is an indicator of the direction of growth pattern
C. It is an indicator of the amount of facial growth
D. It increases in size as the growth increases

# Considering the growth of the face in all three planes, growth ceases Last in which direction?
A. Antero posterior
B. Sagittal
C. Transverse
D. Vertical

# Cephalometrics is useful in assessing all of the following relationships except:
A. Tooth to tooth
B. Bone to bone
C. Tooth to bone
D. Soft palate to gingiva

# The AO & BO in Wits appraisal is relationship of:
A. Maxilla to cranium
B. Mandible to cranium
C. Maxilla to mandible
D. Maxilla & mandible

# More than normal posterior angle indicate:
A. Horizontal growth
B. Vertical growth
C. Sagittal growth
D. No significance

# The average angle of convexity as in Downs Cephalometric analysis is:
A. 0 degree
B. 25 degree
C. 65 degree
D. 84 degree

# Witts analysis is used for:
A. Lateral jaw relation
B. Antero-posterior jaw relation
C. Superioinferior jaw relation
D. All of the above

# Which cephalometric point represents centre of ramus of MANDIBLE?
A. Xi-point
B. Pm-point
C. Ptm-point
D. N point

# Which of the following cephalometric point can be altered by orthodontic tooth movement?
A. Point-A
C. Nasion
D. Gonion

# Skeletal maturity is indicated by:
A. Carpals
B. Radius, Ulna
C. Both
D. None

# Which of the following bone(s) are used for determination of growth pattern in an individual?
A. Clavicle
B. Capitate
C. Cervical spine
D. Mandible

# Hand wrist radiograph provides a view of:
A. 25 bones
B. 26 bones
C. 30 bones
D. 32 bones

# Nasal width/Length ratio is?
A. 62.5%
B. 70%
C. 65%
D. 66%

# Cephalometrics is useful in:
A. Treatment of malocclusion
B. Diagnosis and case study
C. Diagnosis and treatment plan
D. All the above

# The Broadbent - Bolton cephalometer was devised in:
A. 1930
B. 1927
C. 1931
D. 1946

# Value of mandibular plane angle is:
A. 17-30
B. 100-120
C. 53-66
D. 82-95

# The medial confluence of stress lines on the medial surface of the ramus that represents the arcial growth of surface of the mandible is known as:
A. Xi point
B. Pm point
C. Me point
D. Eva point

# Long face syndrome patient with increase lower facial height, the palatal plane will be:
A. Posteriorly downward
B. Upward posteriorly
C. Downward anteriorly
D. No change

# 5 years and 4 month child having smaller chin, he clinically present distal step 2nd molar relation and narrow width of maxilla, having normal SNA angle, decreased SNB angle, with low FMA angle, then:
A. Wait and watch for 6 years
B. Klohen head gear to treat maxillary protrusion
C. FR II appliance
D. Twin block appliance

# The interincisal angle between deciduous incisors is:
A. 100 degrees
B. 120 degrees
C. 150 degrees
D. 170 degrees

# In Ricketts esthetic plane lower lip rests:
A. 1 mm anterior to plane
B. Rest on plane
C. 2 mm posterior to plane
D. 1 mm posterior to plane

# In Tweed's analysis, if FMA is 35 degrees, what will be FMIA?
A. 65°
B. 63°
C. 60°
D. 68°

# During time that the core of the mandible rotates forward an average of 15 degrees, the mandibular plane angle, representing the orientation of the jaw to an outside observer?
A. Decreases only by 2-4 degrees on the average
B. Increase only 2-4 degrees on the average
C. Increase only to 6-8 degrees on the average
D. Decrease only to 6-8 degrees on the average

# The occipital pull chin cup is frequently used to treat:
A. Maxillary prognathism
B. Mild moderate mandibular prognathism
C. Class I skeletal cases
D. Class II skeletal cases


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