

MCQs on Oral Mucous Membrane - Oral Anatomy and Histology

 # Which of the following is correct:
A. Non-keratinized epithelium is characterized by absence of stratum granulosum and stratum corneum, The surface cells are nucleated
B. Para-keratinized epithelium is characterized by superficial cells with pyknotic nuclei and absence of stratum granulosum
C. In ortho keratinization the superficial cells lose their nuclei, but stratum granulosum is present
D. All of the above

# Long connective tissue papillae and keratinized epithelia are a feature of these parts of oral mucosa:
A. gingiva and alveolar mucosa
B. Hard palate and gingiva
C. Buccal and alveolar mucosa
D. Hard and soft palate

# All of the following is lined by stratified squamous epithelium, except:
A. Lips
B. Tongue
C. Roof of the soft palate
D. Oropharynx

# Membrane coating granules may:
A. Appear as circular with an amorphous core in keratinized epithelium
B. Originate from the golgi system
C. Packed with tonofilaments
D. Helps in adhesion of fully keratinized epithelial cells

# Basement membrane:

A. Contains lamina lucida & Lamina dura
B. Consists keratohyaline granules
C. Consists of lamina densa and lamina lucida
D. Consists of desmosomes and hemi desmosomes

# The high level clear cell present in the oral epithelium is:
A. Melanocyte
B. Lymphocyte
C. Merkel cell
D. Langerhans cell

# Von Ebner's glands open into which papilla:
A. Foliate
B. Filiform
C. Circumvallate
D. Fungiform

# Dendritic cell located in the stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium of the oral cavity include:
A. Keratinocytes
B. Mast cells
C. Melanocytes
D. Myoepithelial cells

# After the eruption of crown, reduced enamel is known as:
A. Primary attachment epithelium
B. Secondary attachment epithelium
C. Primary enamel cuticle
D. Reduced enamel epithelium

# The vermilion border requires frequent moistening because:
A. It contains more No. of sweat glands
B. It contains more do. of sebaceous glands
C. It contains less number of sebaceous glands
D. It contains less number of sweat glands

Stippling is:
A. Due to alternate elevations and depressions in epithelium
B. Functional adaptation to mechanical impact
C. Disappeared in progressing gingivitis due to edema and this change is reversible
D. All of the above

# Which of the following is non-keratinocyte:
A. Langhan’s cell
C. Langerhans cell
D. Grey cell

# Partially keratinized papilla is:
A. Fungiform
B. Filiform
C. Circumvallate
D. Foliate

# Keratohyaline granules are more evident in:
A. Keratinised
B. Non keratinized
C. Parakeratinised
D. Orthokeratinized

# Epithelium of the inner surface of the gingival sulcus:

A. Has no rete pegs
B. Has prominent rete pegs
C. Is keratinized
D. Is para-keratinized

# Elongated rete pegs are seen in:
A. Alveolar mucosa
B. Floor of the mouth
C. Attached gingiva
D. Buccal mucosa

# The connective tissue of the gingiva is known as the:
A. Lamina dura
B. Dental cuticle
C. Lamina propria
D. Fibroblasts

# Color of the normal gingiva is:
A. Pink
B. Red
C. Coral pink
D. None of the above

# Epithelium of oral mucous membrane is:
A. Keratinized
B. Non keratinized
C. Ortho, para and non keratinized
D. Only para keratinized

# The position of mucogingival line:
A. Shifts apically with age
B. Shifts coronally with age
C. Constant throughout the life
D. None of the above

Keratohyaline granules are found in:
A. St. granulosum
B. St. spinosum
C. St. basale
D. Prickle cell layer

# In the tongue bitter taste is more perceived at:
A. Tip
B. Sides
C. Back
D. Front

# The major cells seen in gingiva are:
A. Fibro blast
B. Odontoblasts
C. Cementoblasts
D. Merkel cells

# Cells of the spinous layer are generally:
A. Larger than the basal cells
B. Smaller than the basal cells
C. same size as that of basal cells
D. None of the above

# Which of the following has immune function in the oral mucous membrane?
A. Melanocyte
B. Merkel cells
C. Langerhans cell
D. Keratinocyte

# The range of level of fluoride secreted by the glands into the mouth is:
A. 0.004-0.005 ppm
B. 0.006-0.007 ppm
C. 0.007-0.005 ppm
D. 0.007-0.08 ppm

# Protein making up the bulk of keratohyalin granules in stratum granulosum of keratinized epithelium is:
A. Involucrin
B. Vinculin
C. Filaggrin
D. Nectin

# Which papillae are completely keratinized:
A. Fungiform
B. Filiform
C. Circumvallate
D. Foliate

#  Stratum Germinativum of the oral epithelium is the term given to:
A. Basal cell layer
B. Granular cell layer
C. Spinous cells and granular cells
D. Basal cells and parabasal spinous cells

# The oral epithelium is attached to the enamel via:
A. Reticular fibers
B. Collagen fibers
C. Hemidesmosomes
D. Desmosomes

# Buccal mucosa is:
A. Keratinized
B. Non-keratinized
C. Para-keratinized
D. Ortho-keratinized

# Masticatory mucosa is:
A. Para keratinized
B. Ortho keratinized
C. Non keratinized
D. Sub keratinized

# The anatomic crown is shorter than the clinical crown of a tooth in which of the following instances:

A. Impaction
B. Gingivitis
C. Occlusal wear
D. Gingival recession

# Epithelial attachment is:
A. Attachment of ameloblasts to the tooth
B. Microscopically it resembles basal lamina
C. Derived from secondary attachment epithelium
D. All of the above

# The mucous membrane of cheeks and lips:
A. It attached to buccinator muscle in cheeks
B. It attached to orbicularis oris in lips
C. A & B are correct
D. None of the above

# The function of Merkel cells is:
A. Sensory function
B. Secretory function
C. Neuro sensory
D. Nutritive function

# Jacobson’s organ is:
A. Auxiliary olfactory sense organ
B. Ellipsoid/Cigar shaped
C. Undergoes degeneration after 4 months of intrauterine life
D. All of the above

# Stratum germinativum is:
A. Stratum basale
B. Stratum granulosum
C. Stratum basale and parabasal spinous cells
D. Stratum spinosum

# Supporting cells of taste buds are called as:
A. Sustentacular cells
B. Taste cells
C. Von Ebner's cells
D. Acini

# Bulk of lamina propria of the gingiva is made of collagen type:
A. I

# Minor salivary glands are present in the submucosa through out the oral mucosa except for the:
A. Gingiva and anterior part of hard palate
B. Tongue and soft palate
C. Retromolar area and hard palate
D. Lip and posterior third of the hard palate

# Difference between the skin and mucosa of cheek is:
A. Thin lamina and non keratinized mucosa of cheek
B. Keratinized mucosa of cheek
C. Rete pegs
D. Thick lamina propria on skin of cheek

# The thinnest epithelium of oral cavity is found in the:
A. Buccal gingiva
B. Lingual gingiva
C. Oral surface of lip
D. Sublingual mucosa (floor of mouth)

# The red zones of lips have:
A. 30% Sebaceous glands
B. 75% sebaceous glands
C. very small number of sebaceous glands, if any
D. Absolutely no sebaceous glands

# Masticatory mucosa in the oral cavity covers the:
A. Floor of the mouth and soft palate
B. Alveolar mucosa and vestibular fornix
C. Lip and cheek
D. Gingiva and hard palate

# Merkel cells are found in which of the following tissue:
A. Epidermis
B. Papillary layer of dermis
C. Reticular of dermis
D. Hypodermis

# Non keratinized epithelium is found over:
A. Attached gingiva
B. Free gingiva
C. Interdental papilla
D. Gingival sulcus

# Stratum granulosum is not present in:
A. Hyper orthokeratosis
B. Hyper parakeratosis
C. Non keratinized epithelium
D. Sulcular epithelium

# Biomechanism that unites the epithelium to the tooth surface is:
A. Internal basal lamina
B. Junctional epithelium
C. Reduced enamel epithelium
D. Epithelial attachment

# Epithelial cells which ultimately keratinize are known as:
A. Keratinizing cells
B. Melanocytes
C. Non-Keratinizing cells
D. Clear cells

# Lamina densa of the gingival basement membrane is rich in:
A. Type I and III collagen
B. Type III collagen
C. Type IV collagen
D. Type I collagen

# In which of the following papillae of the tongue are the taste buds predominantly located :
A. Circumvallate
B. Filiform
C. Foliate
D. Fungiform

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