

Cleft lip and palate is associated with all, EXCEPT:

 # Cleft lip and palate is associated with all, EXCEPT:
A. Van der Woude Syndrome
B. Gardner syndrome
C. Treacher Collin Syndrome
D. Pierre Robin Syndrome

The correct answer is:

B. Gardner syndrome

Van der Woude Syndrome:
This is a genetic condition commonly associated with cleft lip and/or palate. It is characterized by lip pits and other oral anomalies.

Gardner syndrome:
This syndrome is primarily associated with intestinal polyps, osteomas, and soft tissue tumors. It does not typically involve cleft lip or palate.

Treacher Collins Syndrome:
This genetic disorder affects craniofacial development and can be associated with cleft palate (though cleft lip is less common).

Pierre Robin Syndrome:
This condition is characterized by mandibular hypoplasia, glossoptosis, and cleft palate. Cleft palate is a hallmark feature of this syndrome.

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