How much is your worth?

 A bar of iron costs $5, made into horse-shoes its worth is $12, made into needles its worth is $3500, made into balance springs for watches its worth is $300,000. Your own value is determined also by what you are able to make of yourself. 

Taste buds are predominantly located in:

# Taste buds are predominantly located in:
A. Circumvallate papilla
B. Filiform papilla
C. Foliate papilla
D. Fungiform papilla

The correct answer is A. Circumvallate papilla.

# Circumvallate papilla - Present in front of the V shaped sulcus terminalis
- Large in size and 8-12 in number
- Contain many taste buds
- Von Ebner's salivary gland ducts open into its trough

# Filiform papilla/ conical papilla 
- Keratinized threadlike and give the tongue a characteristic velvety appearance
- Smallest and most numerous papillae
- Contain no taste buds

# Fungiform papillae
- Mushroom shaped, numerous near the tip and margins of the tongue
- contain few taste buds
- Distinguished by their bright red color

# Foliate papilla
- Present on the lateral border of posterior parts of the tongue
- Contain taste buds

Passavant’s muscle is formed by:

 # Passavant’s muscle is formed by:
A. Palatoglossus
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Styloglossus
D. Superior constrictor

The correct answer is B. Palatopharyngeus.

The upper fibres of palatopharyngeus form a sphincter internal to superior constrictor. These fibres constitute Passavant's muscle, which on contraction raises Passavant's ridge on the posterior wall of nasopharynx, but Passavant's ridge is present within Superior constrictor. 

Sensory supply of soft palate

 # The sensory supply of soft palate is from:
A. Glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve
B. Maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve and maxillary nerve
D. None of the above

The correct answer is C. Glossopharyngeal nerve and maxillary nerve.

General sensory nerves are derived from: a) The middle and posterior lesser palatine nerves, which are branches of the maxillary nerve through the pterygopalatine ganglion and b) from pharyngeal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve. 

Which muscles make up the pterygomandibular raphe:

 # Which muscles make up the pterygomandibular raphe?
A. Masseter anteriorly and palatopharyngeus posteriorly
B. Masseter anteriorly and middle pterygoid posteriorly
C. Buccinator anteriorly and superior constrictor posteriorly
D. Buccinator anteriorly and middle constrictor posteriorly

The correct answer is C. Buccinator anteriorly and superior constrictor posteriorly.

The pterygomandibular raphe is made up of interlacing tendinous fibres. It is attached above to the pterygoid hamulus (at the lower end of the medial pterygoid plate) and below to the posterior end of the mylohyoid line of the mandible. The raphe gives attachment anteriorly to fibres of the buccinator, and posteriorly to fibres of the superior constrictor of the pharynx. 




Floor of nasal cavity is formed by:

 # Floor of nasal cavity is formed by:
A. Palatine process of maxilla and horizontal part of palatine bone
B. Palatine process of maxilla and vertical part of palatine bone
C. Maxillary process of palatine and horizontal part of maxilla
D. Maxillary process of palatine and vertical part of maxilla

The correct answer is A. Palatine process of maxilla and horizontal part of palatine bone.

The nasal cavities contain: 
Respiratory area: 
The respiratory area is lined by a pseudostratified , ciliated, columnar epithelium. The epithelium contains goblet cells and a subjacent fibrous lamina propria with mixed mucous and serous glands. The Lateral walls contain conchae, which increase the surface area and promote warming of the inspired air. 

Olfactory area:
The olfactory area is located in the posterosuperior nasal cavity and is lined by a pseudostratified epithelium composed of bipolar neurons (olfactory cells), supporting cells, brush cells, and basal cells. The basal cells are stem cells that continuously turn over to replace the olfactory receptor cells. This is the only example in the adult human where neurons are replaced. Under the epithelium, Bowman glands produce serous fluid which dissolves odorous substances.