Leutic Glossitis is caused by:

# Leutic glossitis is  an intraoral manifestation caused by:
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Actinomycosis
C. Treponema pallidium
D. Streptococcus

The correct answer is C. Treponema pallidium. 

Leutic glossitis or syphilitic glossitis is atrophic or interstitial glossitis due to tongue involvement by treponema. The importance of leutic glossitis is the chance of undergoing malignant transformation.

Advantage of Digital Radiography

# One advantage of digital radiography is:
A. All the teeth can be in a single film
B.  Highly economical
C. The radiographic images are obtained immediately
D. Pulpal vitality can be accurately assessed

The correct answer is: C. The radiographic images are obtained immediately.

Advantages of digital radiography are:
- direct display of the image which is dynamic rather than static
- less patient exposure due to greater sensitivity
- Elimination of the need of darkroom

Studying the movements of the tongue:

# Which of the following is useful for studying the movements of the tongue?
A. Angiography
B. Arthroscope
C. Fluoroscope
D. Sonography

The correct answer is C. Fluoroscope.

. It allows continuous viewing of a time-varying X-ray image and permits live visual examination of dynamic events.

- Modern fluoroscopy systems use an X-ray image intensifier, which converts the X-ray energy into visible light and is coupled optically to a television camera.

- The fluoroscopic image is viewed on a cathode-ray tube video monitor, located either in the fluoroscopy room beside the patient, or else in a remote location.

MCQs on Pulp and Periapical Pathology

# Most cases of pulpitis are caused by:
A. Injudicious cavity preparation
B. Excessive heat incident to dry polishing of restorations
C. Bacterial invasion from a carious lesion
D. Bacterial invasion from the blood stream

# Odontalgia that is occasionally typical in hypertensive patients is a result of:
A. Headache radiating to the teeth
B. Nervous tension and worry
C. Hyperemia of pulp resulting from increased blood pressure
D. Abnormal situation of the sympathetic nerve system