Prosthodontics Past Questions

Prosthodontics Past Questions

NOTE: These are real exam questions from BPKIHS, Dharan Nepal compiled by students and handed over to juniors throughout the history. In fact these are generational gems to students. If you find any mistakes, suggest corrections and help make it errorfree. Don't be mean, share with your fellow mates too. Because, you are having access to it here because someone cared to collect these and share for you people. So, Thank the friend who shared this to you and, share with 3 of your best friends. Pay-It-Forward. :)


1. Lower bilateral edentulous area missing 567.
a. Classify.
b. Which major connector, why?
c. Which clasp assembly, why ?
d. Color coding for above.
e. Methods of impression making, explain.
2. CD patient with DM on medication has bony spicules and high frenal attachment.
a. T/t plan
b. Method of increasing width of residual ridge.
c. Steps of CD.
d. Post-insertion instructions.
3. A cast moddel of a patient was studied and:
a. Missing 35, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47 with 48 present.
b. Supraerupted 24, 25, 26.
c. Buccally placed 28
d. Classification ?
e. Figure with denture prosthesis ?
f. Needs for surveying ?

4. Ill-fitting denture worn 1 yr back. O/E, traumatic ulcers in denture-bearing area, xerostomia.
a. List the conditions of the ill-fitting dentures.
b. Investigatins to be done.
c. Mx.
5. 40 yr old lady with missing max lateral incisors. O/E, midline diastema. Pt is smoker and diabetic.
a. Different Tt modalities, justify one.
b. Which modality not indicated for above mentioned case ?
c. Steps of Tt plan.
6. 50yrs, all-dentulous maxilla, edentulous mandible.
a. Different types of Tt modalities and prognosis.
b. Types and techniques of jaw relation.
c. Difficulties during fabrication of denture.
7. Mandibular bilateral posterior edentulism, supraerupted upper teeth.
a. Classification.
b. Causes of reduced interarch space.
c. Tt plan.
8. Betelnut chewer edentulous patient.
a. Various Tt modalities.
b. Procedures for treatment plan.
c. Troublesome factors during Tt.

9. 25 yrs lady with proclined max teeth, discoloured all teeth with flakes on surface.
a. Appropriate Tt plan.
b. Various prosthodontic options.
c. Procedure of Tt for best prosthetic option.
10. Kennedy/Applegate.
11. Clasp assembly.
12. Requirement of clasp design.
13. Components of RPD.
14. Major connectors, definition and requirement.
15. Max major connector : special requirement.
16. Types of max and mand major connectors.
17. Minor connectors: defn and types.
18. Types of rest, retainer.
19. Factors influencing magnitude of stress transmitted to abutment tooth.
20. Surveyor : defn, parts, figure, types, purpose and objective.

21. Factors influencing path of insertion.
22. Impression technique.
23. Vestibuloplasty
24. Jaw augmentation involving denture bearing area.
25. 1o, 2o, stress bearing area, limiting area, relief area.
26. Jaw relation – types.
27. Types of face bow, parts.
28. Define centric relation, methods to record.
29. Classification of articulators.
30. PPS: defn, significance, how to record.
31. Selection of teeth.
32. Mouth preparation.
33. Define retention and stability. Factors affecting retention.
34. SN: Eccentric relation, fluid wax technique.
35. Justify the implementation of jaw relation in prosthetic rehabilitation.
36. Importance of TRY-IN.
37. Balanced occlusion.Factors determining occlusion.
38. SN: Biological width.
39. Stress breaker.
40. Influence of systemic factors on RRR and Mx.
41. Aspects of aging wrt oral cavity.
42. Principles of impression making.
43. Periodontal consideration in impression making of FPD.
44. Define CR, CO.

45. C/C
a. Max intercuspation and CO.
b. Mucompressive and mucostatic technique.

46. I/CI of lingual plate.
47. Classify dental implants.
48. SN: definitive obturator, steps and design.
49. Define pontic, classify. SN: Modified ridge lap.
50. Finish line configuration
51. Gingival retraction method.
52. Provisional restoration
53. Surveyor: uses and sequence in surveying.
54. Missing 34, 36
a. Define Ante’s law.
b. Define pier abutment.
c. Pontic indicated and why ?
d. Key and keyway figure.
e. Is it necessary in this case, why ?

55. Missing 22
a. Tt plan
b. Best option.
c. Investigations.

56. Classification of muscle attachment of soft palate. Velopharyngeal mechanism.

57. Classification, parts, limitation, recent advancement of semi adjustable articulator.
58. SN: resin bonded prosthesis, bonding technique.
59. Types, I/CI of implants.
60. 50 yrs old. Upper incisors missing, flabby ridge. O/E, resorbed ridge.
a. Tt option
b. Tt plan.
c. Impression technique.
61. Abused tissue and Mx.

Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Past Questions


NOTE: These are real exam questions from BPKIHS, Dharan Nepal compiled by students and handed over juniors throughout the history. In fact these are generational gems to students. If you find any mistakes, suggest corrections and help make it errorfree. Don't be mean, share with your fellow mates too. Because, you are having access to it here because someone cared to collect these and share for you people. So, Thank the friend who shared this to you and, share with 3 of your best friends. Pay-It-Forward. :)

1. What are the principles of cavity design?
2. What do you mean by cavity varnish and liner? List their important functions.
3. Define creep. Significance. List the factors affecting it.
4. What is tarnish and corrosion? Classify corrosion. Write down the management of protection from corrosion.
5. Writhe the composition of composite resin. What are the different types of fillers used?
6. List the various procedures for preserving the pulp. Explain any one.

7. A patient came in dental OPD with pain in 11. O/E, the tooth was discolored.
a. What are the causes of pulp disease?
b. List the causes of tooth discoloration.

RCT was to be done.
c. Write the procedure for the sterilization of the instruments required in RCT with specifications.

8. Write the classification of periradicular tissue diseases.

9. A patient came with sensitivity on his teeth. O/E, cervical abrasion wrt 12,13,14,23,24,25,33,34,35,43,44,45 was found. He needed restoration. i) What are the different directly filled restoration that can be done? ii) Which one will you prefer? iii) Write down the composition of what u have chosen. Iv) Explain the procedure stepwise you perform. V) List the advantages of this material.

10. Pulp polyp features.
11. Granuloma.
12. Bases and liners? Pulp protection?
13. Indications of ZOE/PolyF
14. Types of GIC, indication.
15. Classification of cements and uses.
16. Requirements of disinfectants and name.
17. Hydrodynamic theory of dentinal hypersensitivity.
18. D/D of reversible and irreversible pulpitis.
19. What is walking bleach, and steps of the procedure?
20. Composition of light cure composite

21. Advantages n disadvantages of the light-cure composite.
22. Discuss GIC as a restorative material.
23. Bacterial flora of root canal.
24. Steps of working length determination.
25. Requirements of irrigants and name.
26. Discuss NaOHCl as irrigant.
27. Sandwich technique.

28. SN: 2o caries, matrices.
29. Hybrid composite ……….. (6)
30. Metal modified GIC
31. Factors affecting the strength of amalgam.
32. Advantages of copper containing amalgam.
33. How to prevent corrosion?
34. Rules for BMP.
35. Methods of canal preparation.
36. Step-back technique n advantages.
37. Importance of varnish and liners, components.
38. Indications of periradicular surgery.
39. Properties of root canal cements. Name some.
40. Step by step, the process of lateral condensation.
41. Eames technique, adv. Adv of spheroidal over lathecut.
42. Biocompatible properties of ZnPo4 compared to PolyF
43. Objectives of root canal irrigation. Name some root canal irrigants.
44. Classification of composite resins.
45. I/CI of endodontic theory.
46. Enumerate methods of sterilization. SN: hot salt sterilizer.
47. SN: microfilled composite.
48. SN: indirect pulp capping. Diagram.
49. Mode of pulpal necrosis.
50. Rules for instrumentation.
51. Classification of instruments for RCT. SN: Instrument standardization.
52. Enumerate different obturation techniques. Explain one.
53. Bleeding/Bleaching of nonvital tooth.
54. SN: Apexification, pulp vitality test, phoenix abscess, irrigation, rubber dam and matrices, cast metal restoration.
55. Steps in BMP.
56. Explain lateral condensation.
57. Ideal properties of intracanal medicaments.
58. I/CI of endodontic surgery.
59. Causes of tooth discolouration.
60. Classify pulpal and periapical disease.
61. Procedure involved in Mx of pulp.
62. What are pulp irritants ? Bases, liners.
63. Importance of varnish, composition.
64. Rules for cleaning and shaping of RC.
65. Describe referred pain irt pulpitis.
66. Define apicoectomy. I/CI of it.
67. Black’s formula for instrument numbering with diagram.
68. Different materials containing F-. Uses of F-.
69. Chemical vs light cure composite.
70. Caused of endo failure.
71. Mechanical amalgamation.
72. Etiopathogenesis and classification dental caries.
73. Periodontal/periapical abscess: D/D, Investigation, T/t.
74. Ellis fracture II, III of an anterior tooth. : materials used, merit and demerit of material, the procedure for restoration, the composition of the composite, the filler used, the type used in posterior teeth.
75. Fractured Class II amalgam restoration with pain and sensitivity: classify amalgam, causes of #ed restoration, which material for this case, composition, and advantages.
76. Amalgam: factors affecting strength, delayed expansion, adv/disadv, classify dental silver alloy.
77. Root Canal Treatment: Indications/Contraindications, stepwise pulpectomy, step-back method and advantages, reversible vs irreversible pulpitis.
78. Techniques of obturation.

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# Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Past Questions


#MCQ 19 - Selective Pressure Impression Technique is indicated in:

#MCQ 19 - Selective Pressure Impression Technique is indicated in:
A. Firm healthy Mucosal covering over the ridge
B. Flabby ridges
C. Knife edge with movable mucosa
D. When sharp bony spicules are present in the ridge

Ans: A. Firm healthy mucosal covering over the ridge

Mucostatic Impression Technique is indicated for options B,C and D.


#MCQ 18 - The main Purpose of covering the retromolar pad area is:

#MCQ 18 - The main Purpose of covering the retromolar pad area is:
A. Stability
B. Retention
C. Support
D. Contraction

Ans: B. Retention
Retromolar pad:
- gives the peripheral seal of a lower denture
- gives distal extension limit
- gives the height of the occlusal plane
- relieving area since it contains three muscles and aids the stability of the denture

Though retromolar pad provides stability, support and retention, the main objective of covering it is retention.


#MCQ 17 - Passive Impression Technique Involves:

#MCQ 17 - Passive Impression Technique Involves:
A. Impression with silicone
B. Impression compound
C. Impression Plaster
D. Alginate

Answer: C. Impression Plaster

Passive impression / Mucostatic Impression / Pressureless Impression technique records the tissues with minimal distortion and cause least possible displacement of tissues. There will be large amount of space between the tray and soft tissues and it uses very fluid type of impression material. 
Impression material is the common material used in this technique. 

#MCQ 16 - The amount of water needed to dissolve alpha and beta hemihydrate to react completely with 100 gram of calcium sulphate hemihydrates to convert it to calcium sulphate dihydrate is:

#MCQ 16 - The amount of water needed to dissolve alpha and beta hemihydrate to react completely with 100 gram of calcium sulphate hemihydrates to convert it to calcium sulphate dihydrate is:

A. 18.6 ml
B. 22.2 ml
C. 30.4 ml
D. 45.3 ml

Answer: A. 18.6 ml

Water of reaction is same for all gypsum products i.e. 18.6 ml of water completely reacts with 100g of hemihydrate. But gauging water differs with the type of gypsum product. It is 45 ml for type III and 20 ml for type IV gypsum.