Dec-Jan 2019-2020
Subject: Periodontics Time: 2 hr. 30 mins.
Date: 6/11/2019 Full marks: 50
- Write brief, relevant and legible answers
- Illustrate your answer with well labeled diagrams wherever required.
- All questions are compulsory.
SECTION 'B' [25Marks]
1. Define gingiva. Describe different parts of the gingiva. Mention the name of various gingival fibers and blood supply of gingiva. [1+3+2=6]
2. Write down the composition of calculus. Mention the important differences between supragingival and subgingival calculus. Highlight on the modes of attachment of calculus and its role in periodontal disease. [1+2+2=5]
3. A patient came with the chief complaint of progressive mobility of upper right lateral incisor since last six months. On clinical examination, there was grade II mobility of the tooth with three-degree positive fremitus test. [1+3+1=5]
a. What is your diagnosis & classify the condition?
b. What are the tissue responses seen in this case?
c.Write about possible radiographic changes in this case?
4. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a Local drug delivery
b. Halitosis
c. Resective osseous surgery
1. Define gingiva. Describe different parts of the gingiva. Mention the name of various gingival fibers and blood supply of gingiva. [1+3+2=6]
2. Write down the composition of calculus. Mention the important differences between supragingival and subgingival calculus. Highlight on the modes of attachment of calculus and its role in periodontal disease. [1+2+2=5]
3. A patient came with the chief complaint of progressive mobility of upper right lateral incisor since last six months. On clinical examination, there was grade II mobility of the tooth with three-degree positive fremitus test. [1+3+1=5]
a. What is your diagnosis & classify the condition?
b. What are the tissue responses seen in this case?
c.Write about possible radiographic changes in this case?
4. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a Local drug delivery
b. Halitosis
c. Resective osseous surgery
SECTION "C" [25 Marks]
treatment plan for the case? [1+2+3=6]
6. Define Aggressive Periodontitis. Write down the causes of area-specific distribution of Localized Aggressive Periodontitis (LAP). Highlight on the clinical features of LAP. [1+2+2=5]
7. Define Furcation Involvement (FI). What are the predisposing factors for Furcation involvement?
Write about different therapeutic modalities in the management of FI. [1+1+3=5]
8. Write short notes on: [3*3=9]
a. Host modulation therapy (HMT)
b. Chemical plaque control
c. Modified Widmann flap