Straight Elevator

# A straight elevator is properly used to advantage when the:
A. Adjacent tooth is the fulcrum
B. Tooth is isolated
C. Interdental bone is fulcrum
D. Adjacent tooth is not to be extracted

The correct answer is C. Interdental bone is fulcrum.

Straight elevator (Coupland, London Pattern) is the most commonly used. Usually used to luxate and elevate mandibular third molar and when multiple extractions are needed. It is not recommended in upper arch. This utilizes principle of lever mechanism. Alveolar crest acts as fulcrum. Adjacent teeth should never be used as fulcrum.


Teeth in Line of Fire

# Teeth in line of fire means:
A. Teeth in the area of planned therapeutic radiation
B. Teeth in the line of fracture
C. Teeth within the cancerous region
D. None of the above

The correct answer is A. Teeth in the area of planned therapeutic radiation.

EACA in Hemophilia Mechanism of Action

# Epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA) is one of the agents useful in the treatment of haemophilia A. Mechanism of action of EACA is:
A. It is rich in factor VIII, which is deficient in hemophilia
B. Antifibrinolytic activity
C. It accelerates the coagulation process which is delayed in hemophilia
D.By unknown mechanism

The correct answer is B. Antifibrinolytic activity.

The main action of epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA) is by its antifibrinolytic activity.

EACA is replaced by tranexamic acid, because of its more potent and longer acting properties and less side effects.


MCQs on Hand Instruments and Instrumentation - Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

# Which of the following is not true about hand instruments used in operative dentistry?
A. They are generally made of stainless steel
B. Nickel-cobalt-chromium is never used in its fabrication
C. Carbon steel is more efficient than stainless steel
D. It can be made with stainless steel with carbide inserts

# Most of the hand cutting instruments are made up of:
A. Chromium cobalt
B. Carbon steel
C. Tungsten carbide
D. Stainless steel

MCQs on Cariology : Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

# Which of the following is true of caries?
A. It is infectious and transmissible
B. Non infectious but transmissible
C. Multifactorial, transmissible but not infectious
D. Not multifactorial, not transmissible

# Which of the following microorganisms are associated with the active progression of cavitated lesions?
A. Mutant Streptococci
B. Streptococcus ferus
C. Lactobacilli
D. Streptococcus rattus

Cleansable dentin

# Slow caries leading to formation of black, hard, cleansable dentin is called as:
 A. Reparative dentin
 B. Secondary dentin
 C. Eburnated dentin
 D. Arrested dentin

The correct answer is C. Eburnated Dentin.

An arrested dentinal lesion typically is 'open', dark and hard, and this dentin is termed as sclerotic or eburnated dentin.


Root caries of tooth

# Root caries is alarming because:
 A. It is near to apex
 B. It is symptomatic
 C. It is not seen
 D. It has rapid progression

The correct answer is D. It has rapid progression.

- Root surface caries may occur on the tooth root that has been exposed to the oral environment.
- Root caries is usually more rapid than other forms of caries, and thus should be detected and treated early.
- Root caries is becoming more prevalent because an increasing number of older persons are retaining more of their teeth and experiencing gingival recession, both of which increase the likelihood of root caries development.