Quick Review of Dental Anatomy and occlusion MCQs

# The only symbolic tooth numbering system is:
A. FDI System
B. Palmer system
C. Universal system
D. ADA system

# Resorption in primary central incisors begin at:
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

Posterior Bite Plane Indications:

# Posterior bite plane is used in correcting :
a) Deep bite
b) Anterior open bite
c) Anterior cross bite
d) Posterior cross bite

The correct answer is C. Anterior Cross Bite

Anterior Bite Plane:
• Used for correction of deep bite
• It should provide a clearance of 2-3 mm between upper and lower posterior teeth to provide space for supra eruption.

Posterior Bite Plane: 
• Along with Z spring used in treatment of anterior cross bite

Upper anterior inclined Plane
• Provides reinforced or multiple anchorage and is constructed at an angle of 60° to occlusal plane
• The mandible is used to reinforce the anchorage by the engagement of lower incisors on to upper inclined bite plane. Thus a distal force is applied on the maxillary teeth

SVED Appliance
• It is a modification of upper anterior inclined plane with an additional upper incisal  capping. It has advantage of splinting the incisors to prevent them being forced labially.

Catlans appliance or lower anterior inclined plane
• The inclined plane is designed to have a 45 degree angulation and is used to treat maxillary anterior teeth in crossbite.
• It can be made of acrylic or cast metal and is designed to treat a single tooth in cross bite or a segment of upper arch in crossbite.


Anterior Bite Plane Indications

# Anterior bite plane is used in correction of:
a) Anterior cross bite
b) Deep bite
c) Open bite
d) All of the above

The correct answer is B. Deep Bite.

Anterior Bite Plane:
• Used for correction of deep bite
• It should provide a clearance of 2-3 mm between upper and lower posterior teeth to provide space for supra eruption.

Posterior Bite Plane: 
• Along with Z spring used in treatment of anterior cross bite

Upper anterior inclined Plane
• Provides reinforced or multiple anchorage and is constructed at an angle of 60° to occlusal plane
• The mandible is used to reinforce the anchorage by the engagement of lower incisors on to upper inclined bite plane. Thus a distal force is applied on the maxillary teeth

SVED Appliance
• It is a modification of upper anterior inclined plane with an additional upper incisal  capping. It has advantage of splinting the incisors to prevent them being forced labially.

Catlans appliance or lower anterior inclined plane
• The inclined plane is designed to have a 45 degree angulation and is used to treat maxillary anterior teeth in crossbite.
• It can be made of acrylic or cast metal and is designed to treat a single tooth in cross bite or a segment of upper arch in crossbite.


MCQs on Pathology of Cell Proliferation and Neoplasia - General Pathology MCQs

# The reversible change including the replacement of one type of adult cells with the other type is called:
A. Hyperplasia
B. Metaplasia
C. Dysplasia
D. Neoplasia

# The disordered reversible cellular changes such as pleomorphism, nuclear hyperchromatin are seen in:
A. Hyperplasia
B. Metaplasia
C. Dysplasia
D. Neoplasia

Polyglycolic acid Dexon suture material

# Polyglycolic acid (Dexon) suture material is:
A. Absorbable natural suture
B. Absorbable synthetic suture
C. Non-absorbable natural suture
D. Non-absorbable synthetic suture

The correct answer is B.

Polyglycolic acid (Dexon) and Polygalactin 910 (vicryl), Polyglyconate, Glycomer 631, Polyglytone 6211, Polydioxanone (PDS) are synthetic absorbable suture.

Polygalactic acid (Dexon) is green dyed and Polygalactin 910 (vicryl) is purple dyed while remaining are undyed.

Polygalactin (coated vicryl) is braided. It is commonly used for bowel anastomosis, as a general tie for vessels and as a subcuticular suture for skin. It has 75 percent of its strength at 2 weeks and 50 percent at three weeks. It causes a minimal tissue reaction and is very close to being the ideal suture for almost all purposes.

Polyglyconate has some some superior strength. It retains 75 percent of original strength at two weeks of post-implantation. Advantages over other sutures, such as improved handling properties, lacks memory, passes easily through tissues and demonstrates good strength. Absorption is essentially complete by 180 days.

 Polydioxanone (PDS) suture has greater pliability than polypropylene suture and has greater strength than that of other monofilament sutures. In the body, Polydioxanone suture retains its strength for longer periods than other synthetic absorbable sutures.


Maxillary root removal technique

# Elevators should not be used to remove palatal root of an:
A. Upper incisor
B. Upper canine
C. Upper premolar
D. Upper molar

The correct answer is D. Upper molar. 

- Elevators should not be used to remove the palatal root of an upper molar.
- The buccal wall of socket does not form satisfactory fulcrum and can be crushed by the elevating force. 
- Furthermore, there is always the danger of forcing the root into antrum.
- The palatal root must be seen clearly, which usually implies the removal of both buccal roots and if necessary some surrounding bone, which can be done with a bur.
- Gentle dislocation with a narrow coupland chisel or rotation with upper root forceps should deliver the root.

Radix Entomolaris / Radix Paramolaris

The radix entomolaris is an additional root in human's mandibular molar teeth. The human mandibular teeth have two roots usually. In rare cases, however, a root may develop between the distal and the mesial roots which is called entomolaris, if it is located lingual to the tooth.

Such a phenomenon is named radix paramolaris in case an extra root is buccal to a molar tooth. It is important to remember that an extra root can appear both in the first and second molars.

Three roots on mandibular molar, radix entomolaris

Radix entomolaris on a mandibular left first molar

Mandibular molar three roots, Radix Entomolaris

Radix entomolaris, apical view