Factor responsible for gaping of facial wounds

 # The most important factor responsible for gaping of the facial wounds is:
A. Thick and elastic nature of the skin
B. Due to rich vascularity 
C. Cutaneous attachment of the facial muscles
D. Laxity of the skin

The correct answer is C. Cutaneous attachment of the facial muscles.

Although all of the above are characteristics of facial skin, cutaneous attachment of the facial muscles is the most important factor responsible for gaping of the facial wounds. Facial skin is thick and  very elastic because the facial muscles are inserted into it. Therefore, the wounds of the face tend to gape. Rich vascularity of the facial skin makes the face blush and blanch. Wounds of the face bleed profusely but heal rapidly. 

The facial skin is rich in sebaceous and sweat glands. Laxity of greater part of the skin facilitates rapid spread of oedema. Renal oedema appears first in the eyelids and face before spreading to other parts of the body.

Boils in the nose and ear are acutely painful due to the fixity of the skin to the underlying cartilages.

Wounds of the scalp bleed continuously

 # The wounds of the scalp bleed continuously because:
A. Scalp is highly vascular
B. Blood vessels lie just beneath the skin
C. Wounds gape
D. Vessel walls fail to retract

The correct answer is D. Vessel walls fail to retract.

The blood vessels of the scalp are embedded in the dense connective tissue (subcutaneous fibroadipose tissue) layer and their walls are adherent to its fibrous network. 
Therefore, when the vessels are torn in an open wound, they are unable to retract. This results in continuous bleeding. The scalp lacerations even when small, can produce death in unconscious patient, if bleeding is not controlled. 

Natural drainage of maxillary air sinus

 # The natural drainage of maxillary air sinus is impeded because:
A. Its opening into the middle meatus is narrow
B. Of its large size
C. Placement of its opening is higher than its floor
D. Its base is directed towards the lateral wall of the nasal cavity

The correct answer is C. Placement of its opening is higher than its floor.

The maxillary sinus is the one most commonly involved in infection of nasal cavity. This is probably because its aperture is located superior to its floor, impeding its natural drainage.

Ganglion associated with oculomotor nerve

 # The ganglion which is associated with the oculomotor nerve is:
A. Optic ganglion
B. Ciliary ganglion
C. Superior cervical ganglion
D. None of the above

The correct answer is B. Ciliary ganglion.

Ciliary ganglion is associated with the III nerve, lies between the lateral rectus and the optic nerve. It receives preganglionic sensory parasympathetic fibres from III nerve and sympathetic fibres from superior cervical ganglion. It supplies parasympathetic fibres to constrictor pupillae and sympathetic fibres to dilator pupillae. Otic ganglion is related to glossopharyngeal nerve.

Comfort & Care Dental Clinic, Kalanki - 14, Kathmandu

 Name of Dental Clinic: Comfort & Care Dental Clinic
Address (Full) Kalanki - 14, Kathmandu
Year of Establishment: 2019
Name of the chief Dental Surgeon: Dr. Dilip Bhandari
CONTACT NUMBER: 9841777249

Sindhuli Polyclinic, Kamalamai-6, Dhurabazar, Sindhuli

 Name of Dental Clinic: Sindhuli Polyclinic
Address: Kamalamai Municipality-6, Dhurabazar, Sindhuli 
Year of Establishment: 2074BS
Name of the chief Dental Surgeon: Dr. Simpal Gupta
CONTACT NUMBER: 9844040680

Global dental clinic, Birgunj-4, Birta

 Name of Dental Clinic: Global dental clinic 
Address : Birgunj, birta-4
Year of Establishment: 2063
Name of the chief Dental Surgeon: Dr.Sony Jha Thakur 
CONTACT NUMBER: 009779845058996