# Which of the following may constitute high-risk during surgery?
a. β-Thalasemia minor
b. Hb S homozygous
c. Hb D Punjab
d. Hb E trait
The correct answer is B. Hb S homozygous.
Hb D Punjab and Hb D Los Angeles are having same biochemical
structure (Glutamic acid is replaced by Lysine at 121 position in β chain).
Heterozygous state is essentially asymptomatic. Homozygous Hb D is
very rare. Sickle cell disease is relatively less associated with by Hb S/D
Punjab/Los Angeles .
Mutation in β chain by virtue of which glutamic acid is replaced by lysine
at 26th position in β chain causes Hb E. In Hb E carrier state, 30–45% of the
Hb is Hb E, and such carriers are asymptomatic but shows microcytosis.
Homozygons E disease is associated with marked microcytosis and
hypochromia, but the anemia is usually mild. Clinically resembles
β-thalassemia minor. Hb E with Hb D heterozygous state is variable in