Space lattice refers to:

 # Space lattice refers to:
A. Inter atomic movement
B. Inter atomic imbalance
C. Arrangement of atoms
D. Arrangement of molecules

The correct answer is C. Arrangement of atoms.

A space lattice can be defined as any arrangement of atoms in space in which every atom is situated similarly to every other atom.

Reference: PHILLIPS’ SCIENCE OF DENTAL MATERIALS, Anusavice, Shen, Rawls, 12th Edition, Page No: 20

Which of the following bonds is responsible for thermal conduction?

 # Which of the following bonds is responsible for thermal conduction?
A. Ionic bond
B. Van der Waal bond
C. Metallic bond
D. Covalent bond

The correct answer is C. Metallic bond.

The free electrons give the metal its characteristically high thermal and electrical conductivity. These electrons absorb light energy, so that all metals are opaque to transmitted light. The metallic bonds are also responsible for the ability of metals to deform plastically. The free electrons can move through the lattice, whereas their plastic deformability is associated with slip along crystal planes. During slip deformation, electrons easily regroup to retain the cohesive nature of the metal.

Reference: PHILLIPS’ SCIENCE OF DENTAL MATERIALS, Anusavice, Shen, Rawls, 12th Edition, Page No: 19

Atomic bonds characterized by physical forces

 # Which of the following atomic bonds are characterized by physical forces?
A. Ionic bonds
B. Van der Waal bonds
C. Metallic bonds
D. Covalent bonds

The correct answer is B. van der Waals bonds

van der Waals forces—Short-range force of physical attraction that promotes adhesion between
molecules of liquids or molecular crystals.

Reference: PHILLIPS’ SCIENCE OF DENTAL MATERIALS, Anusavice, Shen, Rawls, 12th Edition, Page No: 17



# Component from second branchial arch is:
A. Mandible
B. Muscles of mastication
C. Muscles of facial expression

# Sensory nerve supply of TMJ is:
A. Masseteric nerve
B. Auriculotemporal nerve
C. Buccal nerve
D. Facial nerve

# Which blood vessel does not supply pharyngotympanic tube?
A. Ascending pharyngeal
B. Ascending palatine
C. Middle meningeal
D. Artery of pterygoid canal

Crown Height Space (CHS) for implant dentistry is measured from:

# Crown Height Space (CHS) for implant dentistry is measured from:
a) prosthetic platform
b) crest of the bone
c) junctional epithelium
d) gingival margin

The correct answer is B. Crest of the bone.

Crown Height Space(CHS) is measured from crest of bone to the plane of occlusion in posterior region and incisal edge of arch in anterior region.

Gingivitis in leukemic patient resembles:

 # Gingivitis in leukemic patient resembles:
A. Pyogenic granuloma
B. Herpetic gingivostomatitis
C. Hairy cell Leukoplakia

The correct answer is D. ANUG.

Acute gingivitis and lesions that resemble necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis are more frequent and severe in patients with terminal cases of acute leukemia. The inflamed gingiva in patients with leukemia differs clinically from that found in nonleukemic individuals. The gingiva is a peculiar bluish red, it is spongelike and friable, and it bleeds persistently on the slightest provocation or even spontaneously in leukemic patients. This greatly altered and degenerated tissue is extremely susceptible to bacterial infection, which can be so severe as to cause acute gingival necrosis with pseudomembrane formation or bone exposure.

Reference: Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 12th Edition, Page no: 194

PUFA index in Dentistry

PUFA (pulp, ulceration, fistula, abscess) provides a measure of badly diseased and broken down teeth which have been attacked by dental decay and are causing significant problems in need of early attention. It is now advocated for use by the FDI as a tool that can help to stress the importance of tackling dental caries to planners (Benzian et  al., 2011b).  It is  interesting  to  note  that in  the  UK,  where there have been massive improvements in oral health, some 7% of dentate adults (adults with teeth) had one or more conditions. A PUFA score of one or more was more common in men than women, adults from lower social groups than more affluent, amongst adults who reported brushing less than once a day than amongst those who brushed once or twice, and amongst smokers rather than non‐smokers.

PUFA index criteria

P  –  pulp involvement is recorded when the opening of the pulp chamber is visible or when the coronal tooth structures have been destroyed by the carious process and only roots/root fragments are left

 U  –  ulceration due to trauma is recorded when sharp edges of a dislocated tooth with pulp involvement or root fragments have caused traumatic ulceration of the surrounding soft tissues, e.g. tongue or buccal mucosa 

F  –  fistula is scored when a pus‐releasing sinus tract related to a tooth with pulp involvement is present

 A  –  abscess is scored when a pus‐containing swelling related to a tooth with pulp involvement is present .

Source:  Monse  et  al., 2011;  Health  and Social  Care  Information Centre, 2011c.