What is not included in the measurement of the facial angle?

  # What is not included in the measurement of the facial angle?
A. Facial height
B. Frankfort horizontal plane
C. Nasion point
D. Pogonion point

The correct answer is A. Facial height.

The facial angle is used to measure the degree of retrusion or protrusion of the lower jaw. This is the
inferior inside angle in which the facial line (nasion-pogonion) intersects the Frankfort horizontal
(FH). The mean reading for this angle is 87.8 degrees (SD, 3.6) with a range of 82 to 95 degrees. A prominent chin increases this angle, whereas a smaller than average angular reading suggests a retrusive  chin.

Therefore, the facial angle indicates the degree of recession or protrusion of the mandible in relation
to the upper face at the point in which the Frankfort horizontal is related to the facial line (nasion-pogonion). The magnitude of this angle increases with a prominent chin.

Non surgical treatment for pericoronitis

 Sometimes, the gingival tissue over your third molar teeth may become inflammed because of bacterial infections or food lodgement under the gums. The condition is very painful and may need extraction of third molar tooth or operculectomy for definitive management. However, for those patients unwilling to have their tooth extracted, conservative treatment with medication can be done for 1-2 episodes before they are ready to have the offending tooth extracted. 

These medicines should be used for complete 5 days and consultation with registered doctor should be done before taking these. If you are allergic to penicillins and its congeners, these should not be taken. Stop the drug immediately and visit the emergency if you develop any rashes, difficulty in breathing after taking medicines. 

Orthodontic Surgery Workshop: Diagnosis, Case Selection and Treatment Planning at BPKIHS Dharan

 A two-day Orthodontic Surgery Workshop: Diagnosis, Case Selection and Treatment Planning was organized jointly by Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, BPKIHS, Dharan on 28th and 29th August 2024.  

Due to large number and big sizes of photos, these are shared in 4 pages.

Photos of both the days are shared here.

Orthognathic Surgery Workshop: Part 3 of Day 2 Photos